“Following the events of summer 2023, we understand that wildfire is on people’s minds, and we want to answer questions from the public directly and openly before the 2024 fire season picks up. Significant wildfire risk reduction work has been completed in Jasper National Park over the last few years to reduce the risks to residents and visitors, and to mitigate the potential impacts of wildfires. This information session is an opportunity for residents to come and ask questions directly to fire specialists – the people on the ground.”
David Argument, Resource Conservation Manager, Jasper National Park
"Our team’s commitment to community safety and wildfire preparedness has never been stronger. We have been working diligently to improve our community’s readiness and resilience by investing in equipment and training, enhancing our wildfire response and emergency management capacity, and streamlining alerts and communications. Please join us on April 24 to engage with our staff, understand the current plans and processes, and learn how your own preparedness contributes to our collective safety.”
Christine Nadon, Director of Protective & Legislative Services, Municipality of Jasper