City Hall has figured out fun! Today’s council meeting has approved the creation of Ottawa’s first Night Mayor.

To support creating a culture of spontaneity, City staff have written a 13 page report explaining its four page, 10 item Powerpoint of fun.

First on the agenda for the new, as yet unappointed Night Mayor: ‘Establish a Nightlife Ambassador Council comprised of industry and community leaders to provide feedback and support to the Nightlife Commissioner Office.’

We have our dancing shoes on already.

– Martha and Darren


ottawa historic logo t-shirts

Ogilvy’s T-Shirt

Charles Ogilvy Limited began as dry goods shop on Rideau Street in 1897, and ended its reign as Ottawa's greatest department store in 1992.

Help support the ottawan by buying one of our historic logo t-shirts.



  • ☀️ Sunny. High of 24°, low of 8° 


  • $11.84 million
  • – The cost to rehabilitate the old CPR Railway bridge over the Rideau River in the ‘Hurdman’ precinct. The City plans to replace the pedestrian and cycle-only bridge with a new one for $9.86 million. Little maintenance has been done by the City on the bridge, with its last painting done in 1969. The City took control of the bridge in 1996. (Barry Padolsky in the Ottawa Citizen

Honorary Ottawans of the Day

  • 250 Indigenous Guardians
  • – The Indigenous Guardians programme are environmentalists who monitor caribou movements, keep track of other wildlife, identify and harvest local plants for medicinal uses, monitor water quality and act as the search and rescue teams for visitors – amongst other things. Two hundreds and fifty Guardians are meeting in Ottawa this week to network and compare ideas. (NNSL)


  • Is it the environmental emergency or is it the housing emergency?
  • – Beacon Hill-Cyrville ward councillor Tim Tierney, before City Council voted against adopting rules for greener, high performance buildings. (Blair Crawford in the Ottawa Citizen)


  • ⚽ Canadian Championship Atlético Ottawa 1 – Hamilton Forge 1 last night. That knocks Atlético Ottawa out of the playoffs for this year.

🪧 Public Service Alliance of Canada Agreement

  •  The Public Service Alliance of Canada has released the agreement made with the Treasury Board for members – and the public – to view. We’ve all heard the headline items but adding National Day for Truth and Reconciliation as a designated paid holiday is new. (Catherine Morrison in the Ottawa Citizen) (The Agreement)

🏎️ Speed Limits

  •  The City has reduced the speed limit on a section of the March Road from 80 km/h to 60 km/h. That particular stretch of the road in Kanata, which was built as a six-lane divided highway, unsurprisingly has drivers driving fast. No change to the road itself will be made. In 2019, 26 collisions were reported. (CBC)

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the ottawan t-shirt


Wear the only be-logo-ed t-shirt authorized by the ottawan itself.


Rose Buddha has taken 20% off everything until Sunday.

Overflow Brewing is having a march sale. Find great prices on tees, hoodies, and tanks, toques, hats, and glassware for the local craft beer loving people in your life.


Receive 25% off regular prices of fashion, accessories, and underwear at Stroked Ego. The discount is valid until May 15 on regular priced items only. Skincare, grooming & consignment items excluded. 131 Bank St.


This doesn't happen until May 30, but tickets may go fast. Keith Seifert, a world expert on fungi will be speaking at the Almonte library. We know! We don't even need to go up to Montréal or down to Toronto to see this. Seifert is promoting his new book, The Hidden Kingdom of Fungi

We will see you tomorrow  – Martha and Darren

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