12.1 Hydro Ottawa Holding Inc. – 2022 Annual Report
13.1 Omnibus Official Plan Amendment 1
14.1 2023 Tax and Rate Operating and Capital Budget Q2 Status
14.2 Proposed 2024 Budget Directions, Timeline and Consultation Process
That the municipal tax increase be set at no more than 2.5 per cent overall
14.3 Kanata Central Business Improvement Area – Boundary Adjustment
14.4 Heart of Orléans Business Improvement Area – Boundary Adjustment
14.5 Acquisition of 1245 Kilborn Place from The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Ottawa for $18.5 million plus applicable taxes and closing costs
14.6 Declaration of Surplus Land – 2 Pretty Street and Transfer to Ottawa Community Lands Development Corporation
15.1 Zoning By-law Amendment – 3430 Carling Avenue to permit two six-storey residential buildings, as detailed in Document 2.
15.2 Zoning By-law Amendment - 729 Ridgewood Avenue to permit a low- to high-rise mixed-use development including 444 residential units
15.3 Zoning By-Law Amendment – 1200 Maritime Way to permit the development of 28 and 30 storey high rise buildings
15.4 Directions Report - Aligning Zoning By-law 2008-250 with Bill 23
15.5 2023-2026 Affordable Housing Capital Strategy and Update
16.1 Approve the recommended plan to add cycling facilities to Bank Street over Billings Bridge and pprove implementation of a northbound reserved bus lane on Bank Street between Chesley Street and Aylmer Avenue
17.1.1 Zoning By-law Amendment – 147 Langstaff Drive, anomaly lands
17.2.1 Ottawa Community Ice Partners Loan Guarantee
17.2.2 Approve the sale of a portion of 751 Peter Morand Crescent in exchange for lands required for Various Active Transportation Connections
17.2.3 Application for Approval to Expropriate Lands – Bank Street Rehabilitation Project, Phase 1
17.2.4 Request to waive the Corporate Real Estate Office’s Leasing Policy to grant a License of Occupation for market rent and approve a Temporary License of Occupation to 25 Pickering Holdings Inc. over 1325 Avenue L in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00).
17.2.5 Delegation of Authority to Sign Mutual Agreement for Drainage Works at 2121 Huntley Road
17.3.1 Zoning By-law Amendment – 314 Bell Street South to permit a three-storey four-unit addition to an existing three storey four-unit apartment building
17.3.2 Motion – The City of Ottawa’s support for the province’s proposed Green Building Code to include requirements to mitigate against increased Wind Uplift Loads on Roofs in order to better create more wind resilient communities.
21.1 Motion - Councillor M. Carr - Public Disclosure of Travel be disclosed on Ottawa.ca on a quarterly basis.
21.2 Motion - Councillor S. Plante - The flagpole at the Carré de la Francophonie de Vanier be recognized as “the very first official flagpole to exclusively and permanently fly the Franco-Ontarian flag on Montreal Road in the heart of Vanier.”
21.3 Motion - Conseillère S. Plante - Children and Youth Implications
21.4 Motion - Councillor S. Plante - Councillor Statements
21.5 Motion - Councillor S. Plante - Public Disclosure of Non-competitive Contracts valued at $25,000 or less