June 7, 2023

Celebrate Environment Week
June 4-10, 2023

Environment Week

Between the months of May and September, the Town of Okotoks embarks on a campaign of conservation awareness in our community with the help of the Conservation Educators. Each June, in celebration of Canadian Environment Week and World Environment Day, the Town's Conservation Educators will be out and about in the community offering free events and activities to celebrate our environment and to help you discover new ways to reduce your ecological footprint.

This week's free events include: bike to school and work day; test drive an electric Volswagen and Sheep River edcuational walks!

Learn more about Environment Week

Your local actions, big and small, can positively impact your neighbours, the river, our community and our planet!

Learn more

How to Make Your Business Green

The best way to green a business is to reduce waste. Whether that’s in energy, products, or time, efficient business operations keeps the world (and your bank account) a little greener. Here are some ways to green your business:

  • When looking to move or set up a business, look for buildings that meet a certified green build standard, such as BOMA, LEED, Passive House or other third party verification organizations.
  • Choose products/suppliers with green certification to reduce impacts along the supply chain.This can help when choosing a variety of products; from sustainable paper products, to energy and water efficient appliances, to sustainable food sources.1
  • Literally “green” your business through living plants, either indoors or outdoors. Green roofs2, drought-tolerant landscaping and living plant walls/planters contribute to increased air quality, passive cooling, and help with water management. 
  • Timers/motion sensors help to keep lights off when there’s no one around, while timers and smart power strips for appliances reduce “phantom power.”
  • When looking to renovate an existing building, include water and energy efficient retrofits to save money and energy from the start. Here are some retrofit tips:
    • Reducing drafts from poorly fitting doors, pipes, windows, or any other pathways air can get in is a cheap and easy way to keep cooler air where it belongs - outside in the winter and inside in the summer! 
    • An open door is welcoming for customers and can provide a nice breeze if your business doesn't have air conditioning. BUT, ensure your door is closed if you are heating or cooling your space!
    • The Town's DIY Energy Audit kit has a thermal camera to help identify sources of heat losses.
    • Window glazing can reduce solar heat without blocking the view. Well-fitted insulated blinds or curtains can also reduce solar heat from windows by up to 60% & reduce heat loss in the winter by up to 40%.
    • Let there be (LED) light! Heat generated from incandescent and halogen bulbs makes up 90% of their energy use. Replacing with LEDs saves energy and reduces heat.

1. For a list of verified green certifications, check the last page in the Town's Growing Greener Together Guide
2. Check out the Miistakis Institute’s Ecoroof Guide for Municipalities for a detailed review of green roof options

Town Environmental Programs for Businesses 

Water Smart Business Grant

The grant provides up to $10,000 to Okotoks businesses and institutions who want to save some money, but also do their part to conserve water through water efficiency upgrades. Installing water-efficient fixtures, equipment, and landscaping can save an organization money on bi-monthly water bills! The Town is still taking applications this year!

Learn more

Food Waste Dehydrator Pilot Project

The Town, in conjunction with Eco-Growth Environmental Inc., is part of a cutting-edge pilot project converting commercial food waste into material used as carbon neutral energy (building heat) as well as for regenerative agricultural purposes in Calgary. K-Cups collected as part of the project are also being used to make plastic lumber products. 

By putting commercial food waste through the dehydration process, the Town has already diverted 5475.5 kg of material from the landfill, preventing the release of 48,249 kg of carbon equivalent (CO2e) from entering the atmosphere. The more food waste we are able to collect, the more we can divert from the landfill. Businesses are encouraged to join the pilot - email waste@okotoks.ca to get involved!

Alberta Summer Games

Did you know that that the Town of Okotoks is co-hosting the Alberts Summer Games July 20-23?

How to Get Involved

The games are only about EIGHT WEEKS away! The games are expected to draw over 6,000 people to the region so you want to be ready! Make sure you have all the staff, supplies & inventory needed to accommodate more customers. Promoting your business is also important; have your promotional materials in place ahead of time too! You want to spread the word that your restaurant, hotel, pub or specialty shop is ready & happy to welcome guests to Okotoks! You can also get involved by:

  • Put up a poster advertising the games 
  • Participate in the summer games window display contest 
  • Encourage employees to volunteer – put together a team of volunteers from your business
  • Share your enthusiasm on the social media pages you are active on
  • Have a section on your website that contains your event calendar or list of special events with details, links to tickets & photos

The 2023 Alberta Summer Games need sponsors like you! If you're interested in being a part of the Games as a sponsor, the games staff can tailor an opportunity that works best for you & fits your business's budget. Get in touch with the ASG team by calling 1-877-937-2023 or emailing info@2023asg.com today!

2023 Alberta Summer Games tickets are now available! Get yours by visiting the ASG website!

Get tickets!

The Town of Okotoks is inviting all local businesses to decorate their storefronts in all things sport in anticipation of the upcoming Alberta Summer Games hosted by Okotoks and Black Diamond (Diamond Valley) from July 20-23, 2023! Businesses are encouraged to keep the displays up until the end of the games!

The window display contest will be held June 12 - 30; please note the following important dates:

  • Submission Deadline: June 30
  • Display Voting: June 30 - July 9
  • Winners Announced: Week of July 10

Learn more

Business Survey - Thank You!

Economic Development's business survey is now closed. Thank you to all the businesses that participated; we appreciatre you sharing your thoughts! Survey results are being compiled and will be reported later this summer - stay tuned!

New Business Listings

New businesses in Town

The Town of Okotoks is thrilled to welcome the following businesses to Town:

Sole Worthy Advanced Foot Care

Longview Leather

We Walk Woof
Blooming Cupcakes

The online business directory is a list of all Okotoks businesses that have chosen to be included and is a helpful resource for sourcing companies, products, services and expertise located in Okotoks.

Check out the business directory

Business Grand Opening: Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy

The Town is happy to welcome the Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy to Okotoks & were thrilled to be included in the grand opening festivities! Learn more about this new business at www.medineshoppe.ca.

Please contact the Ec Dev team at ecdevokotoks@okotoks.ca or 403-938-8052 if you’d like a grand opening for your business – a great way to launch and celebrate your new business!


Find out what is happening around the community and region!

Business Events


Community Events 


Council Meetings

Small Business Resources

Click to see all events by the Okotoks & District Chamber of Commerce

Okotoks & District Chamber of Commerce
 A not-for-profit organization, directed by a team of volunteers, dedicated to helping local businesses thrive in our community. 

Learn more

Click to see all events by Community Futures Highwood

Community Futures Highwood
Financing, programming & free support for entrepreneurs.

Learn more

Click to see all events by MCG Careers


Innovative Career Development, Training, and Human Resource services which enable individuals & companies to achieve their full potential.

Learn more

Click to see all events by Business Link

Bow Valley

Innovative, world-class college with more than 600 faculty & staff who speak more than 50 languages. Campuses in Airdrie, Banff, Calgary, Cochrane Okotoks & Strathmore.

Learn more

Connect with Us/Submit an Event

Do you have ideas to make this newsletter more exciting or business-related topics you want to see? The Town would love to hear from you! Connect with us!

Have a business event you would like to include? Click the button below to submit it!

Submit your event
