VOLUME 14 No. 6 | APRIL 2, 2024

20 years old and we've still got all our marbles

The APTS turned 20 on March 18. To celebrate, the union organized a dinner and a festive evening just before the General Council.

Our union has gone through major union raiding operations, two sets of local bargaining talks, five provincial contract talks, two common fronts, and two (or in fact almost three) reforms of the health system. Today, it has definitely reached maturity with over 65,000 members, unequalled expertise, and full recognition of its status.

We’ve produced a short video to mark the occasion, with landmark events over two decades of an inspiring labour union saga. Take a look – it’s your story!

Check your seniority

In early April, your employer is required to post a list indicating the seniority accumulated by all employees as of March 31, 2024, as well as the seniority credited to employees on the previous year’s list.

If you find any error in relation to the previous list that is not related to the 2023 strike, you need to file a grievance with the help of your local executive or your labour relations counsellor.

PLEASE NOTE: The list includes loss of seniority for the legal strike action we carried out in 2023. This is abusive, and the APTS is addressing institutions and CPNSSS to contest it. You don’t have to tell us about this loss of seniority. However, if you have lost specific rights because of it (loss of position, assignment, vacation leave, etc.), please get in touch with your local APTS team.

It's time to abolish the code of silence

The code of silence will continue to prevail in the health and social services system until the government chooses to significantly expand the scope of the whistleblower law, which is still too restrictive.

This is the gist of the message and brief (in French) delivered by APTS president Robert Comeau last week at the parliamentary consultations on Bill 53 to amend the whistleblower law.

Among other things, he criticized Article 5 of the law, which prevents people from denouncing wrongdoings when the purpose of the disclosure is to question the merits of government policy or program objectives.

Press release

Reminder - Research on fear of reprisals

Do you sometimes think twice about taking action as a health and social services professional because you’re afraid of retaliatory measures?

Might this even short-circuit your role as an agent of change, preventing you from advocating for service users or promoting equal access to services?

A research project is focusing on the prevalence of this fear in the health and social services system, and researchers are asking for your participation. All you have to do is take 20 to 30 minutes, outside your work hours, to complete an online questionnaire (in French). If you have any questions, write to projetacs@usherbrooke.ca.


Call for stories 2.0

Youth protection often makes headlines, but there is little awareness of what youth workers actually do. Your daily work includes stress and difficult moments; it’s also deeply meaningful and shot through with hope. All of us can benefit from knowing more about it.

We’re inviting you to share your story, whether you want to describe a significant event or just tell us about your day. The APTS is currently gathering stories in order to produce a printed brochure. Send your document (no more than a few pages) to sotep@aptsq.com, putting SHARE as the first word in the subject line of your email.

Be careful to protect everyone’s privacy so that young people and your coworkers remain safe.

APTS Alert is back

No, the deficit in the recent budget is not the fault of health and social services system employees, whatever François Legault may say. On the contrary: it points to a major victory.

This is what the recent edition of APTS Alert explains. In this issue, we break down the recent provincial budget to find out what’s included and why. You can explore the issues further and help the people around you better understand them.

It’s essential reading for anyone who cares deeply about the health and social services system and who wants ammunition to shut down advocates of private health care. APTS Alert is the perfect resource for you!

Read it here

From eco-anxiety to action

Punishing heatwaves, increasingly short, mild winters with virtually no snow, devastating droughts, terrifying forest fires, multiple tornadoes, floods, smog, an ecosystem under threat: there is so much to worry about. This phenomenon has a name: eco-anxiety.

There is a way to channel this overwhelming feeling into concrete action. This is what a webinar on eco-anxiety organized by the Réseau intersyndical pour le climat (RIC) has to offer (webinar in French). The socio-political action sector invites you to attend on April 9, from 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Join us and breathe a little easier.


Reminder - 2020 pay equity audit

On March 19, the Treasury Board Secretariat published the second posting for the 2020 pay equity audit. Consult our FAQ for the latest information about it.

The FAQ also contains information about filing a complaint with the CNESST. We’ll keep you updated on the topic.

Introduction to the realities of trans and non-binary people

Do you want to better understand and demystify concepts and challenges for people who are trans, non-binary or questioning, particularly at work?

The Intersyndicale des femmes (of which the APTS is a member) is offering a webinar on the topic on April 9, at 7 p.m. (in French). The conference will be hosted and the content provided by Trans-Estrie, a charitable organization that specializes in supporting trans and non-binary people.

We hope to see you there!


Don't jeopardize your health: make a report!

This is the theme of the most recent animated clip brought to you by the OHS sector (in French). It emphasizes the importance of reporting every incident when you are confronted with a situation that puts your occupational health and safety in danger.

Don’t do it alone. Join forces and take collective action if you can by making a group report. Teaming up is a more effective way to influence change and ensure a safe work environment for everyone. Contact your local team for help and advice, or check out our information sheet.

To counteract Meta’s decision to block the publication on Facebook of news originating with Canadian media, the APTS is now providing a summary of its media interventions (in French) on its website at aptsq.com/media2024. You can go to this page to directly access articles and interviews related to your union.