Thursday Mail Out - for the Abby ACCESS Network 

You are receiving this email because you requested to be on the network or you attended one of our events.
If any of your staff and colleagues would like to be added to the network, please email me directly at or

March 13, 2025

Thanks to all of you who came out to our terrific event yesterday! Hope to see you at the next one (April 16, Comprehensive Community Health).

Here are yesterday's slides:

Adult Mental Health Services, John Mogk, Clinical Coordinator, Abbotsford Mental Health Centre, Fraser Health

Youth Mental Wellness, Stanley Katz, Restorative Justice Coordinator, Darcy Halber, Executive Director, Abbotsford Restorative Justice and Advocacy Association

Your Link to Dementia Support - First Link®, Leanne Shuttleworth, Community Services Manager - Fraser Region, Alzheimer Society BC

Fraser Health Together, Teresa O’Callaghan, Executive Director, Abbotsford Regional Hospital Critical Care, Fraser Health

Mental Wellness Through Grief, Susanne Fehr, Palliative & Training Director, Abbotsford Hospice and Grief Society

Supporting Families and Natural Supports of Adults Living with Mental Health and/or Substance Use Concerns, Jane Gladman, Family Peer; Rajpal Singh, Registered Clinical Counsellor (specifically supporting South Asian Families and Natural Supports), Nicole Reston, Clinical Counsellor, Sarah Gilbert, Family Peer, Family Support Service, Fraser Health

Thursday Mail Out for 

March 6 - 12, 2025

Third Annual Hope in the Valley Luncheon - Salvation Army

Salvation Army is hosting their third annual Hope in the Valley Luncheon next month:

Date: Wednesday April 23, 2025
Time: 11am-1PM
Location: Cascade Community Church, 35190 Delair Road, Abbotsford

Here is the link for the event: 
3rd Annual Hope in the Valley Luncheon & Fundraiser Tickets, Wed, Apr 23, 2025 at 11:00 AM | Eventbrite

Here is the poster in PDF and JPEG

Pub Night Fundraiser! - Fraser Valley Brain Injury Association

Fraser Valley Brain Injury Association's Pub Night fundraiser is coming up on Saturday April 5, 2025 at Jimmy Mac's Pub 19935 96 Ave., Langley starting at 5:00 PM. Tickets are $25 for a burger and beverage. 

Get ready to enjoy a night of fun, food, games, and good company, all for a great cause. FVBIA offers a wide range of services for people with acquired brain injuries in the Fraser Valley including support groups, case management, health & wellness groups, kids summer camp, etc.

You can make a difference by joining us, sponsoring, donating silent auction items or an amount of your choice.

Click HERE to buy your tickets, be an Event Sponsor, or make a donation to FVBIA!

*tickets, sponsorships and donation options are available under the “Ticket” button​​​​​​​

Save The Date! September 13! - Second Annual Fraser Valley Recovery Day

Mark your calendars for Sepember 13, 2025 and join us at the second annual Fraser Valley Recovery Day Celebration.

We will be at the Abbotsford Exhibition Part this year, rain or shine! Outside event if weather permits, indoor if it does not!

We are going bigger this year! Lots of details coming to you soon!

Here is our flyer. Please share widely with all of your networks! Everyone is welcome!

Free Spring Break Activities for Youth 12-18 - Abbotsford Youth Commission

The AYC youth centres at MRC and ARC will be open for free drop-in during the first week of spring break (March 17-21) from 12:30-4:30PM. Youth can enjoy free snacks, great activities, and more fun at our fully staffed youth centres. The theme for spring break is “Fan Fest,” so be ready for a great week of fandom fun like a movie watch party, tv trivia, and a costume party!

More information can be found at

​​​​​​​Free Volunteer Program for Youth 12-18

AYC’s Involved program connects youth with meaningful volunteer experiences, volunteer trainings, and leadership opportunities, and connects nonprofits with a database of youth looking for volunteer hours.

How it Works:

✅ Sign Up – Youth 12-18 can Register at to get on our volunteer mailing list (If you’re a nonprofit organization looking for volunteers, visit
✅ Get Opportunities – We collect volunteer openings from nonprofits and send them straight to your inbox.
✅ Go Make a Difference! – Pick an opportunity, connect with the organization, and start volunteering.

Youth can learn more and register at Organizations can register on

Any questions can be directed to

E-Connector Newsletter - BC Community Response Networks

Provincial Learning Event Webinar: From Credit Reports to Debt Relief - What Older Adults Need to Know

March 18, 2025 | 10:30 am - 12:00 pm PDT

Our relationship with money is more than just numbers – it shapes our daily lives, well-being and future security. This informative webinar will help you understand what to do if you face a financial crisis. Learn about your legal rights, available remedies and practical options to regain financial stability. Even if you are financially secure, a friend or family member may be struggling. Life’s unexpected turns – such as the loss of a partner, illness or financial fraud – can create serious financial difficulties.

Presented by Blair Mantin, President, Sands & Associates. With 15 years of experience, Blair helps individuals and organizations facing challenging financial situations to move forward from a position of strength.




Office of the Seniors Advocate Caregiver Survey

The Office of the Seniors Advocate wants to hear from family caregivers about their experiences helping a loved one access publicly-funded long-term care in B.C.

Please take this short online survey if you are a caregiver supporting a family member who is currently waitlisted for a publicly-funded long-term care bed, or was previously waitlisted and has been admitted to long-term care in the last year.

Your valuable feedback will inform a systemic review on issues related to long-term care supply and demand for seniors and families in B.C., including wait times, placement processes and caregiver supports.

Take the anonymous online survey


Aging Vibrantly Podcast Tackles How to Recognize and Prevent Elder Abuse

Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario is producing a series of podcasts called Aging Vibrantly: Conversations to Empower Seniors. Episode 6 features BC CRN Board Member, Gloria Gutman. In this episode, you will learn:

  • What elder abuse is and its different forms
  • Key warning signs and risk factors
  • How to take action if you suspect abuse
  • Where to turn for help and support
  • Awareness campaigns making a difference in Canada
  • Steps to prevent abuse and empower older adults.

This conversation is a must-listen for anyone who cares about the well-being of seniors. Let’s work together to create safer, more supportive communities.

Listen to podcast



Cultural Celebrations and Social Empowerment

Our CRNs have been busy this February putting their hearts into showing their communities how much they care. Activities this month included care packages to isolated seniors, digital literacy classes, spreading the BC CRN message to new Canadians, as well as fresh updates on health and wellness. Three of our CRNs joined forces on an initiative to raise awareness of intimate partner violence and foster stronger community ties.

Read more for highlights from around the province


Top 5 Tips to Review in Fraud Prevention Month

Sadly, older adults often can be victims of financial abuse and fraud. They may be convinced to give money or account access to people who appear to be genuine. March is Fraud Prevention Month, a good time to check in and review financial fraud safety pointers.

Learn more


Transgender Seniors Fear Abuse in Care Facilities

Bill C-16 enshrines the rights of transgender and gender-diverse people in the Canadian Human Rights Act. Passed in June 2017, it has become part of a larger conversation surrounding gender, pronoun use and freedom of speech. Yet many older community members still experience transphobia, sparking the idea of an annual International Transgender Day of Visibility on March 31, often referred to as Trans Day of Visibility.

Read more


Introduction to Extreme Clutter (Online Presentation)

March 4, 2025 | 12 pm - 1 pm PST

Clutter is formally defined as “a large group of usually unrelated or marginally related objects piled together in a disorganized fashion in spaces designed for other purposes (e.g. tabletops, floor, hallway).”

This presentation will help people understand what clutter, hoarding, collecting and squalor are, and that not everyone who collects, lives in clutter or squalor is actually affected by the Hoarding syndrome.



Spotlight on Ageism (Online Presentation)

April 1, 2025 | 12 pm - 1 pm PDT

Ageism is highly prevalent and is the most socially accepted and tolerated form of discrimination in Canada. Like sexism or racism, ageism is discrimination – based on someone’s age. Ageism can occur at any point in our lifespan – regardless of how old we are – and may lead to others making judgements about our background, capability, mental or physical status, based only on their impression of our age.



We welcome your feedback, story ideas and photos for consideration in a future edition. Email us at We are interested in hearing from you.

View our E-connector archive.

To subscribe, email


Until next week!



Sabine Mendez
Community Collaboration Specialist
City of Abbotsford
T: 604.703.8096

Abbotsford ACCESS