Welcome to the 'Social-Emotional Learning' edition of Educator Resources. The links below include recommended resources for "learning and developing skills to recognize and manage emotions, cope with stress, strengthen identity, solve problems, enhance positive relationships, and think critically."

Educator Resources:

  1. As part of The Compassion Project by Everfi, the Defining Compassion lesson includes a short animated video with activities to advance awareness and understanding of when and how to show compassion. Sign up to access all of the free K-12 social-emotional learning lessons.
  2. Check out this wordless video, human story, and lesson plan (Grades 3-12), called Shantanu Builds Community, which is a learning journey by Better World Ed that brings social-emotional learning and global competence to life.

  3. This video, Adopting Anti-Racist Practices When Teaching SEL, shares why and how you can implement anti-racist practices when teaching social-emotional learning (and all subjects).  

About Us:

For those who are unfamiliar with Myles Ahead, we are a national charity that is dedicated to advancing child and youth mental health. Thank you for joining us along this journey. To learn more, click here.

T: 416.929.6675 | W: mylesahead.ca | Registered Charity #72688 1717 R0001

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