The expanded Biotherapeutics Manufacturing Centre will be part of a larger ambulatory care and research building at The Ottawa Hospital's state-of-the-art new campus

Game-changing news for life-saving research: 

$59 million grant fuels biotherapeutics expansion at The Ottawa Hospital's new campus


The Ottawa Hospital will become part of a nation-wide network for biotherapeutics research with the May 6th announcement that TOH will be receiving $59 million to expand our Biotherapeutics Manufacturing Centre to our new campus.

This investment will boost our local capacity, as well as capacity across Canada, to develop and manufacture life-saving biotherapeutics, including vaccines, gene therapies and cell therapies.

Read more about how this will enhance treatment options and outcomes for patients.

Did you know?


The Ottawa Hospital has plans to integrate research spaces into clinical areas as much as possible at our new campus. This design approach will create more opportunities for researchers and clinicians to collaborate and will increase patient access to clinical trials and groundbreaking new therapies that can lead to life-changing outcomes.

Having research spaces built into clinical areas will enhance the research culture at TOH and embed a minimum standard of research in all processes, strengthening our health-care practices and improving our ability to attract and retain innovative staff.

Learn how we're expanding research and innovation at our new campus. 
