Welcome to the 'Intercultural Communication' edition of Educator Resources. The links below include recommended resources to help initiate and support respectful conversations amongst different cultures, covering diverse topics, for the purpose of better understanding ourselves and each other. 

Educator Resources:

  1. Developed by AFS Intercultural Programs, these tools and strategies help students navigate conversations about global crises, like Russia's invasion of Ukraine, by "processing these current events, practicing their critical thinking and media literacy, and avoiding the rise of stereotypes and prejudices." 
  2. Developed by Support, Advanced Learning and Training Opportunities (SALTO) for Youth, the Intercultural Communication Resource Pack includes multimedia, practical tools and methods, insights, quotations, and "real-life stories related to intercultural communication, theories, models and project examples."
  3. Produced by Edutopia (founded by filmmaker, George Lucas), Building Cross-Cultural Connections in Two Languages shows how "first-grade teachers swap classrooms so students get lessons in both Mandarin and English."

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