BC Patient Safety & Quality Council
BC Patient Safety & Quality Council
BC Sepsis Network

BC COVID-19 Therapeutics Committee Guidance

Dear BC Sepsis Network members,

We have been closely following the COVID-19 pandemic and supporting those leading our health care system's response.

The BC COVID-19 Therapeutics Committee (CTC) is a clinical reference group formed to support the work of the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC), the Provincial Health Office and the Ministry of Health. Including representation from the College of Physicians and Surgeons and all BC Health Authorities, the CTC meets weekly to discuss current and emergent research on the use of therapies to manage COVID-19.

The CTC has recently published new Clinical Practice Guidance for Antimicrobial and Immunomodulatory Therapy in Adult Patients with COVID-19.This guidance has been approved by the Provincial Guidelines Committee.

A Position Statement on Unproven Therapies for COVID-19 and a detailed SBAR summarizing the latest evidence have also been released.

We encourage you to continue to check the BCCDC Clinical Care resource page for health professionals and public health partners for the latest clinical guidance.

We thank and support everyone who is playing a role in ensuring the best possible care for our province during these challenging times. 

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