Inclusive Intergenerational Community Gatherings (IICG) in the Saint John Paul II Pastoral Unit
(Picture taken by Christine Wright, Pastoral Agent - Click on picture to enlarge)
Written by Karen De Koninck, Pastoral Agent
The Pastoral year is well underway for families participating in the Inclusive Intergenerational Community Gatherings (IICG) in the Saint John Paul II Pastoral Unit.
Our process-based activities invite whole families to a number of gatherings during the year. Because of our large numbers (200 children, their parents, grandparents and siblings) we offer 5 different times and locations for families to choose from. We also rely on very dedicated volunteers to animate each of the sessions.
The topic currently being explored is: Community Service: how can we make a difference in our world? During these sessions we are exploring the Pope's Encyclical: Laudato Si as well as a number of related scripture passages.