National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health |

 July 2024

Storyline of a silent killer:
Extreme heat and media communication

This evidence brief presents a review of the practical guidance, recommendations, and best practices that are available to journalists and other media professionals on communicating during extreme heat events, and general guidance and information on climate change attribution and reporting.

Oil spills and health

Oil spills are complex events that can cause both acute and long-term impacts on human health, ecosystems, and communities. This subject guide outlines key resources to understand the impacts of oil spills, support preparation and response plans, and facilitate effective risk communication.

Wildfires in Canada: Toolkit for public health authorities

PHAC has recently updated the Wildfires in Canada: Toolkit for public health authorities. This toolkit provides information and collated resources to support public health authorities to prepare and respond to the physical and mental health impacts of wildfires and smoke.

Upcoming Webinar

Designing sun safety: Shade Lookbook
Designing sun safety: Shade Lookbook

July 31, 2024 | 12:00 - 1:00pm Pacific Time

Breann Corcoran, BC Centre for Disease Control
Susan Herrington, PhD, University of British Columbia

Register free

Research Scan

July 2024 environmental health research scan

This monthly Research Scan highlights recent environmental health publications by topic and provides easy access to article abstracts and report summaries to support public health professionals, researchers, planners, students, and others working in public health.


NCCEH adds environmental health journal articles to website

Check out the new journal articles section on our website to find NCCEH contributions to the open access publication Environmental Health Review, the dedicated CIPHI journal, along with other peer-reviewed journal articles that NCCEH staff have contributed to over the past 5 years.

New BCCDC fact sheet: Wildfire smoke and outdoor event planning

During wildfires, public health practitioners and emergency managers are faced with the daunting task of protecting the public from the threat of smoke- and fire-related illness.

In order to assist public health decision makers in BC, BCCDC struck an international working group to develop consensus guidelines for use during wildfire smoke events.

Final call to provide feedback on the National Model Building Code

Given the health risks posed by extreme heat, the Canadian Board for Harmonized Construction Codes (CBHCC) is exploring changes to the National Model Building Code to reduce the risk posed by indoor overheating. The proposed changes are open to public review.

The spring 2024 public review period will run from May 27th to July 29th, 2024. If you wish, you may visit the Canadian Board for Harmonized Construction Codes website to learn more about the National Model Codes, to examine the proposed changes to the National Building Code and to provide feedback on the proposed changes.

Webinar Recording

External Events

Please note that not all information is available in both official languages as the source of the information may not be subject to the Official Languages Act.

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This email is compliant with Canadian Anti-Spam legislation. For more information please visit the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation page.Production of the NCCEH eNews has been made possible through a financial contribution from the Public Health Agency of Canada through the National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health. NCCEH is one of six National Collaborating Centres for Public Health