Council Meeting Highlights - March 10th, 2025

Apologies for the delay on this week's Council Highlights!

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The agenda and live stream of the March 10th meeting is linked below. Official meeting minutes will be available to the public once approved by Council at an upcoming meeting.

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Delegations and Presentations

Jack Ratcliffe Commitment to Community Award Presentation

The 2024 Jack Ratcliffe Commitment to Community Award recipient, Jim Webster, was on hand with many family and friends to be officially presented with this year's award.

This prestigious honor celebrates Mr. Webster's extraordinary passion and significant impact on the Kimberley community. Named after the inaugural award recipient, Jack Ratcliffe, the award is presented annually to individuals who selflessly enhance the quality of life for the community and its residents. This year, Jim Webster's contributions stand as a shining example of that commitment. Read the full press release at the link below.

Image: Jim Webster, Jack Ratcliffe, and Jim's family and friends gather at City Hall for the award presentation.

Jim Webster Receives 2024 Jack Ratcliffe Commitment to Community Award

Kimberley Public Library Board Delegation

Tegan Madge and Dan Moe of the Kimberley Public Library presented their annual update and 2025 proposed budget to Council. Madge spoke about the importance of the Library as an information and community hub for residents of all ages and stressed the Library's contribution to society. Moe presented the Library's detailed budget, outlining the increased financial need and how they hope to meet the 2025 budget requirements. Watch the presentation at the YouTube link above.

Bylaws, Permits, and Policies

Draft Policy No. ADMN004 - Council Code of Conduct

City Corporate Officer, Maryse Leroux, presented a new Council Code of Conduct that reflects the City's needs as well as best practices of municipalities throughout BC. The Code of Conduct is a tool to assist local government officials in understanding the standards of behavior expected of them and outlines the policies and procedures for that conduct as it relates to other elected officials, staff, and the public. After a short discussion, Council officially adopted the Code of Conduct. See the full document at the agenda link above.

New Business

2024 - 2025 Transit Annual Operating Agreement - Amendment #1

Manager of Planning and Sustainability, Troy Pollock, requested Council authorization to execute an amended 2024-2025 Annual Operating Agreement with BC Transit. Council approved the amended agreement that includes minor revisions that reflect the recent expansion of the fleet and additional hours of service for the Peak to Platzl Winter Shuttle service, which was implemented in December 2024. The full agreement is available at the agenda link above.

Opportunity for Comment - Liquor Licence Amendments - Charcoal - 340 Mark St.

Charcol Restaurant and Sports Bar, located at 340 Mark Street, has applied to the BC Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch (LCRB) to allow for increased services, including live entertainment and a dance floor, and a change to hours of liquor service to 2:00 am, seven days per week. Staff recommended that Council opt out of providing comment on the application, which means the LCRB will handle the public input process and gather the views of residents, and no further action is required of the local government. Council approved the recommendation.

The Council meeting concluded at 8:00 p.m., at which point an In-Camera meeting was conducted.