This week, our evidence-based resources are focused on "receiving". Student absenteeism during COVID is way up. Creating a welcoming and positive space for children and youth to learn - be it virtually or in class - is so important right now.

Every interaction we have with students can play a big part of how they feel about themselves. Taking time to focus on how we welcome students with both verbal and non-verbal positive expressions is an easy step that can create greater connection and a sense of belonging.

Consider how we reach out to caregivers/parents to connect on student absenteeism: this is not just an administrative task, but can also be a life promoting one that has the potential to engender feelings of being valued and cared for. For those harder to reach students and families, try unblocking your number in case 'unknown' numbers are being screened. It has helped one virtual school area reach many students and their parents/caregivers.


  1. Video: Rita Pierson's amazing 7 minute Ted Talk, Every Kid Needs a Champion
  2. Resource: SMHO Resource Guide
  3. Research-based Article: Welcoming Students with a Smile

Don't forget that in addition to recieving these resources, every week we will randomly draw from subscribers for 3 months, offering prizes such as facemasks, the Mind Up Curriculum series, and $50 cash awards. For a limited time, we are giving an extra entry in the draw to anyone who successfully invites another educator to subscribe to our emails with their educational work email address:

T: 416.929.6675 | M: 647.286.0393 | Registered Charity #72688 1717 R0001

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