
Fall 2023 - Issue 6
Graduate studies and Double Degree

GO-Poly is a welcome and integration program created specifically for you.
Follow us for an optimal start in your new university environment!


We would like to know how satisfied you are with our back-to-school activities and services. Your feedback will be very important to help us improve our services.

Please take 5 minutes to complete our survey and qualify to win one of 3 Coopoly gift cards, a value of $25 each.

Winners will be drawn from all students that have completed the survey by Friday, September 29, 2023.

Fill out the survey


As soon as you register for your first course at Polytechnique Montréal, you have to electronically sign the Code of Conduct commitment, through Polytechnique’s learning management system, Moodle.

A course entitled “Code of Conduct—Graduate Studies—GO-Poly” (and the equivalent French version “Code de conduite - Études supérieures - GO-Poly”) are now available on your Moodle account, accessible from the welcome screen dashboard (tableau de bord) or course list. Please select the course in the language of your choice.

Take some time to read the content of this course and complete it (sign it) before the deadline, which is SEPTEMBER 30, 2023.

Please see our explanatory video below to learn how to connect to your “Code of Conduct—Graduate Studies—GO-Poly” course on Moodle.


If you’d like to discuss a problem you’ve experienced on the academic front, the Vice President Education of the Polytechnique Graduate Student Association (AÉCSP) is there to represent you on various academic boards and to guide you through difficult situations.

To contact your association, please write to
at education@aecsp.qc.ca.

Learn more on the AÉCSP’s operational structure


Have a question and don’t know who to ask?

Write to info@polymtl.ca at any time and we’ll get back to you within 48 hours.

Please also note that from now on, all communications from Polytechnique MontrĂ©al will be sent to your firstname.lastname@polymtl.ca email address only.

The Student Zone of the Poly website

Looking for specific information or resources?

The Student Zone of the Poly website brings together all the resources and services available to the student community.

Explore the student zone


The Louise-Lalonde-Lamarre Library of Polytechnique Montréal offers a multitude of services to assist students in their academic and extracurricular projects.

Visit its website to learn more about its services.

⚠️La Polytechnique Montréal ID card is required to borrow library documents.


Come and explore your library and meet the staff over lunch
on Thursday, September 14, from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.

The event will take place on the 7th floor of the Lassonde Pavilions, in the Library's collaborative zone (L-7600).

Registration required


Deferring admission

The deadline for arriving in Canada to maintain registration for the fall term is September 12.
If you cannot arrive by this date, do not come to Canada.

 If you did not arrive in time for the fall term, please carefully read the Late arrivals section (Master's, DESS, Doctorate/Double Degree) of our website.


If you have any questions or issues regarding your immigration documents while studying at Polytechnique Montréal, the SEP has a website with many useful resources for international students. You can also get personalized advice from our immigration counsellors.

  • Visit the International Students website for useful information on immigration document renewal, right to work on campus, off campus, post-graduation work permit, health and hospitalization insurance for international students (ASHEE), etc.
  • If you haven’t found the information you were looking for, come and see us at the SEP (room C-240) during our quick consultation periods without an appointment, which take place from Monday to Thursday from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m.
  • You can also write to the counsellors at sep-international@polymtl.ca.

The back-to-school event 2023 with Je choisis Montréal

Je choisis Montréal, an initiative of Montréal International, invites you to its famous back-to-school event for international students!

You’re invited on Wednesday, September 27, starting at 6:30 p.m. for a sweet and wacky evening.

Register here


Did you miss our previous newsletters? Why not take a look at them, they’re full of important information.

View previous newsletters

Any questions?