Photo contest 2020. Martin Tanguay's June winning photo

L'AVIATEUR EXPRESS # 828 - July 22, 2020 


  • Aviation safety capsule: ATF frequency: 123.2 MHz
  • Jean-Pierre Bonin named honorary member of Aviateurs.Québec
  • Portrait of aviators from Quebec: Ghislain Buisson
  • Correction to an article published in the magazine L'Aviateur (July-August 2020 edition): The EIR annotation ... more
  • Maintenance work at Mont-Laurier airport (CSD4)
  • The Ville-Marie circuit
  • AeroPod # 42
  • Your virtual library (new publications as of March 26, 2020).
  • Photo competition 2020.

Aviation safety capsule: ATF frequency  123.2 MHz

A recent incident in the Saint-Michel-des-Saints region reminds us of the importance of communicating your intentions well and especially of using the right frequency to do so. 

The aerodrome of Saint-Michel-des-Saints (CSM5), like the hydrobase Marina Le Nautique (CMS3), are uncontrolled aerodromes. As such, the RAC requests  the use of a frequency known as the Aerodrome Traffic Frequency (ATF). The ATF was set up to ensure that all aircraft equipped with communication stations and operating both on the ground and within the area, are tuned in on a common frequency and follow the same procedures for report their position. The ATF will normally be on the UNICOM frequency when there is one, or on 123.2 MHz when there is none.

Note here that the CFS clearly mentions that the ATF frequency is in effect for CSM5 and that this frequency is also common to that of the Marina Le Nautique (CMS3) aerodrome located less than 5 nautical miles away. 

Jean-Pierre Bonin named honorary member of Aviateurs.Québec

Ghislain Buisson

Entrepreneur, owner of Québec Aéronature,

Pilot, seaplane instructor, adventurer,  musician and frequent traveler

Ghislain is this great adventurer of the seas and the sky who traveled part of the globe in a sailboat before transforming his sails into wings. Arrived in Quebec since 2010, he followed his Quebecois blonde and his journey is most fascinating! Yet he is one of the most modest people I have ever met.


Interview by Sophie Dufresne, Class 1 instructor at Cargair (CYMX) and Vice-President, Member Services at Aviateurs.Québec

Correction to an article published in the magazine L'Aviateur (July-August 2020 edition)

In the magazine l'Aviateur, July / August, page 50, we publish an article entitled L'Annotation EIR ...  la suite, by André Durocher.

André advises us of a correction to this article.

Old text:

Remember that if the clouds cover 50% or more of the sky (fragmented and overcast), the pilot is not allowed to fly above the clouds unless he has a VFR OTT (Over The Top ) or an IFR annotation.

New text:

Remember, if clouds cover 50% or more of the sky (fragmented and overcast), the VFR OTT pilot is not allowed to fly through cloud holes to climb above the layer. In addition, the VFR OTT pilot must fly at least one (1) mile from clouds horizontally in a controlled area and at least 2000 feet in an uncontrolled area. See sections 602.114, 602.115 and 602.116 of the CARs.

For a copy of the corrected article, click HERE

Maintenance work at Mont-Laurier airport

The Mont-Laurier APPA advises us that work is going well at Mont-Laurier airport (CSD4) to meet Transport Canada's requirements for maintaining the certification of an LPV approach (down to 253 ft) on the track 26.

This work represents a significant investment on the part of the town of Mont-Laurier, which thus recognizes the importance of this airport as a municipal infrastructure.

Aviateurs.Québec salutes the vision of the city of Mont-Laurier in this matter.

Co ntribution and p hoto: Richard Valiquette

Circuit Ville-Marie

You have never done the Ville-Marie circuit. Well, here's what it looks like. A video courtesy of François Audette (C-FSCK).

Consult your CFS regarding the procedure to be used to obtain authorization to make a Ville-Marie circuit.

Do you know AéroPod? The only French-language aviation podcast in Quebec

Here is episode # 42 from this week.

Your virtual library, updated July 22, 2020

Here are links that will take you to the latest editions of some publications.

Click on the title of the publication to view and download it:

2020 photo competition

Congratulations to Martin Tanguay for the winning photo of the month of June!

Martin wins one of the following awards: cap or polo shirt.

The 2020 competition continues!

You can therefore vote for any of your favorite photos throughout the year 2020. Click on the photo (or photos) of your choice by going HERE

Now is the time to submit a photo or two for June. Send your photos to before July 31 at 10 p.m.

We are currently accepting photos (aviation related, read regulations) for the May round.

The complete contest rules can be viewed HERE

Do you know our FACEBOOK page?

Our Facebook page is intended to be informative on general aviation topics and in particular on what could be of interest to our members and those who are waiting to become so.

It is also the place where Jean-Pierre Bonin, our faithful collaborator, deposits the photos submitted for the Photo Contest.

We invite you to come and visit it and why not register.



"Bring together and represent the aviators of Quebec in order to promote general aviation and flight safety, to promote accessibility and protect the right to it, to facilitate exchange between members and provide access to resources assistance, training and information. "


PO Box 89022, CSP Malec, Montreal, QcH9C 2Z3

1-514-255-9998 / 1-877-317-2727 /

24-48 hour lead time, responses during working hours


Monday to Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Friday 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.