Lobbying Target Lists Have Changed 

The Office has updated the lobbying target lists in the Ontario registry. This means your registration may need to be updated.

The June 6 cabinet shuffle resulted in changes to ministers’ titles and ministry names, and amendments to Ontario Regulation 146/10 “Public Bodies and Commission Public Bodies” under the Public Service of Ontario Act, 2006 brought changes to the list of agencies.

Need help? We have created a webpage that lists the changes. You’ll find the new names of the ministers’ offices and ministries, as well as the new and removed agencies on that page.

When there is an update to the lobbying target lists on the registry, previous selections of the changed targets will be automatically removed from active registrations but the new or amended ministers’ offices and ministries will need to be manually selected.

For example, the “Ministry of Energy” will be automatically removed from your active registrations. However, if you are still lobbying this ministry, you are required to update your registrations by manually selecting “Ministry of Energy and Electrification”.

Lobbyists and senior officers should check their registrations to ensure their ministry and agency target lists are up to date. As always, it remains the responsibility of each consultant lobbyist and senior officer to ensure that their registrations are accurate. Consultant lobbyists and senior officers have 30 calendar days under the Lobbyists Registration Act, 1998 to provide these updates.

Need a reminder on how to change your registration? Watch the four-minute tutorial video we have called “Change or Update a Registration”.

Registry Processes are not Automatic

It’s true that many internet and computer-based activities are fully automatic these days, so you may be surprised to learn that the Ontario Lobbyists Registry is only partially so. Lobbyists and senior officers can access the registry system at any time, but the new registrations or updates they file don’t automatically appear on the public registry.

The change password and security question features are automatic, but everything else is reviewed by a small but mighty team at the Office of the Integrity Commissioner before it’s published on the public registry. Additionally, after you submit, you might be contacted by an inquiries officer asking for missing or clarifying information.

Office staff do their best to review a submission within one business day but registry activity has been increasing quite a bit lately so the reviews may take slightly longer. Once the review is complete, you’ll receive an email confirmation that your registration has been published on the public registry.

If you want to check how your registrations looks on the public registry, use the search feature. We suggest searching by lobbyist or senior officer name or by registration number.

Keeping it Fresh*

Are you someone who proactively registers your lobbying activity? Maybe you like to register the day you sign a new client or are just getting started on a new file. That might mean you don’t have all your lobbying goals well-articulated in your registration at the outset.

When this happens, the Registrar will still publish the registration. However, Office staff may send a follow-up email advising that the lobbying activity is broad and non-specific. This means you need to ensure you update your registration once you have more details about your lobbying goals and activity.

Consultant lobbyists and senior officers are required to provide a complete and clear description of their lobbying goals and to make sure their registrations are consistently up to date. If there are changes to your lobbying activity, your registration must be updated within 30 calendar days.

For example, you are a consultant lobbyist and your client has provided you with new information about a Bill or Regulation they would like to discuss with a public office holder. As a result, within 30 calendar days of receiving this information you must update the lobbying activity section of your registration with a description of your lobbying goals and the name and number of the Bill or Regulation.

It is important to note that submitting a change to your registration is not the same as renewing your registration. If you are in your renewal window and are aware of changes that need to be made, you can make the changes when you renew - just make sure you are aware of the 30-day timeline for changes. Alternatively, you can make the change first, wait for it to be published and then renew your registration.

Learn more about what information to include in the lobbying activity section of your registration on our website.

Lobbying Activity

And remember – like a crisp summer salad – keep your registration fresh!

*Your lobbying activity, that is.