Join us for a free virtual premiere featuring the new Balancing Our Minds Inspiring Action Toolkit Videos showcasing the experiences of young people in BC school communities advocating for change in mental health. Check out the trailer here.

The Inspiring Action toolkit was created alongside our Youth Advisory committee, who provided input and led action during the development process. Our hope is that this toolkit will inspire youth to take that first step towards creating change or give new ideas for their next project.


Register now!

Featured News and Resources

Tune in to our latest podcast episode for school professionals!

New Podcast Episode for BC K-12 school professionals! Bryn and guest co-host Cindy Andrew come together with guests Dave Mackenzie and Art Steinmann to talk about the ABCs of substance use education and schools. They share approaches for educators that help build protective factors in students, including autonomy, belonging and competence and describe how these can help prevent, delay and reduce substance-related harms.

This episode is a collaboration between BC Children's Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre and Bunyaad Public Affairs Inc.

Listen here!

Upcoming February Lunch and Learn Webinars

The BC Children's Hospital Compass Mental Health program, in partnership with the BC School Counsellors Association, invites BC school counsellors to join their continuing webinar series to explore and discuss common child and youth mental health concerns.

If you missed the first session, the recording is available here.

The next session will focus on depression and self-harm. The final session will be an interactive Q&A where you can ask clinical or resource navigation questions to Compass’ child and youth mental health specialists. We hope you will join them!

Feb 7th: Dr. Priya Watson & Dr. Jennifer Russel (Depression & Self-Harm)

Register for Session 2!

Feb 28th: Dr. Priya Watson & Eddie Chau (Open Q&A)

Register for Session 3!

Check out our previous webinar on protective factors for mental health!

In this webinar recording, Dr. Hasina Samji, Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University and a Senior Scientist in Population Mental Wellbeing at the BC Centre for Disease Control, discusses mental health and well-being in BC with recent findings from the Youth Development Instrument (YDI) and the Kids and COVID project – focusing on protective factors and recommendations for improving mental health and well-being.

Watch it here!

Looking for resources?

Find more resources for supporting mental health and well-being in school communities.

Kelty website

Evidence-aligned strategies that we know make a difference in reducing harms around substance use have nothing to do with substance use, and yet everything to do (with substance use).

~Cindy Andrew from our, ‘Promoting Student Well-Being: The ABCs of Substance Use Education’ podcast episode.

Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre

BC Children’s Hospital
Healthy Minds Centre, Entrance 85
Room P3-302, 3rd floor, 4500 Oak Street
Vancouver, BC V6H 3N1

Ph: 604-875-­2084
TF: 1-800-­665-1822

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