Lactanet Canada

Dairy Knowledge

November 2024


Wrap up the year on a high note and prepare your farm for the success it deserves. This issue covers upcoming webinars, software training, reproductive management, and more.


DairyComp On Tour in Ontario and West

Looking to improve your skills with DairyComp? Register for one of the 6 southwestern and eastern Ontario training dates.

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Bacterial Origins  of Milk Bacteria - in Spanish

Useful for any farm employing Spanish-speaking workers, our article for bacterial troubleshooting keeps everyone informed.

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Calf Rearing Panel

On December 4th, 2024, from 1:00-2:15pm (ET), join our panel-style webinar: “Calf Rearing for Success: Practices for raising healthy calves from farmer and veterinarian perspectives”.

Register Today


Reproductive Success Starts Sooner Than You Think 

Reproductive success in dairy cows depends on several factors, including heat detection, breeding, and embryo development. These are influenced by events during the transition period such as poor feed intake, weight loss, and disease. Effective transition management can improve reproductive performance, making healthier cows more fertile and productive in the long run.

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Proper Housing for Goat Kids

When it comes to housing, kids have very specific needs. Multiple elements like temperature, ventilation, feed bunk space, lighting and environmental enrichment need to be considered to offer your replacements a living space that promotes their development and well-being.

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Canadian Dairy Hub

Small details have big impacts: a discussion on calf rearing with Marvellane Farms. Watch now!

Lactanet Canada

Canadian Dairy Hub – Learn, act, improve.
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We're hiring

We're hiring and we would love to meet you! See job opportunities across Canada