Robbie Burns Nite
Sat, Jan 25, 2020 6:00pm - 9:00pm, Christ Church Cathedral
Join us for an evening of musical entertainment and a silent auction - as we enjoy a Burns style meal. Tickets are now available by calling the cathedral.
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Music for a Sunday Afternoon - Aisle 6
Sun, Feb 16, 2020, 3:00pm to 4:15pm, St John's Kanata North
Something for the youth of the Parish and community. Aisle 6 is a four person, indie-rock band whose members attend Ottawa's English Arts High School, Canterbury. These talented fellows provide their own unique style using a variety of instruments fusing bass, guitar, vocals, and percussion producing a genre-blending creativity-packed sound. All welcome. Admission by donation.
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Choral Night Prayer
Sunday, March 1, 2020 at 7:30 PM, Good Shepherd Church, Barrhaven
This is a service of contemplation and thanksgiving at the end of day. It features times of silence, choral music and thoughtful prayer. It helps calm our spirits at the end of day and asks for God's protection through our sleeping hours. The women of Vocata will lead us through the anthems, hymns and chanted liturgy of the service.
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Joyful Sound - a community choir for people with dementia
Feb 5 - 29 April, 2020 3:00pm - 4:30pm, Church of the Ascension,
'The location was incorrectly given in the last newsletter. Please update your calendar.'
Church of the Ascension is excited to introduce Joyful Sound Ottawa, a community choir for people with dementia, their caregivers, and youth (ages 15-22). Under the skilled direction of Anne Longworth, choir members will make beautiful music and build meaningful relationships. No musical experience required.
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For our next issue of Crosstalk, we would like to write a story about creative ways that people have found to observe Lent in meaningful ways. if you have a practice you would like to share or any inspiring authors or texts you'd like to recommend, we would love to hear from you. Please email it to Leigh Anne Williams at
Exercice de couverture KAIROS en Français
le dimanche 8 mars 2020, de 12:30 à 15:30 (environ), Église St-Alban, 454, av. King Edward (angle Daly et entrée sur Daly), Ottawa
Grâce à une subvention du diocèse anglican d'Ottawa et du groupe All My Relations, la communauté chrétienne St-Bernard-de-Clairvaux organise l'exercice des couvertures qui sera animé par Kairos Canada (Ottawa) et un ancien de la communauté autochtone. L'activité aura lieu en français et est gratuite pour les participants. Thé, café et rafraîchissements seront disponibles.
KAIROS Blanket Exercise in French
Sun, March 8, 2020, from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. (approximately), St. Alban's Church, 454 King Edward Ave.(Daly corner and Daly Entrance), Ottawa
With a grant from the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa and the All My Relations group, the St-Bernard-de-Clairvaux Christian community is organizing the blanket exercise, which will be led by Kairos Canada (Ottawa) and an Aboriginal community elder. The event will take place in French and is free for participants. Tea, coffee and refreshments will be available.
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Prayer Calendar - January 1 to March 31, 2020
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