Midwifery Messenger | UBC Faculty of Medicine: Family Practice | Q2 - 2024


Photo: sʔi:ɬqəy̓ qeqən (double-headed serpent post), Brent Sparrow, Musqueam, UBC Brand & Marketing

June Celebrations & Reflections

During June at UBC, we honour Pride Month and National Indigenous History Month. We celebrate the rich diversity and resilience of our LGBTQ2S+ and Indigenous communities, fostering inclusivity and understanding in healthcare education and research. Join us in recognizing and supporting these vital observances.


UBC Events

National Indigenous History Month

Pride Month


What's New

Strategic Planning Days Success!


Convocation Ceremonies

  • On May 22, UBC Midwifery Graduates came across the stage in traditional red shoes, their smiles as bright as their futures. Here's a highlight reel.


New Representative for FoM Clinical Faculty Advisory Council

  • Thank you to Kate Blake for her three-year term, ending June 30th.
  • Your new representative is Tanya Momtazian, who will also serve a three-year term (July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2027) and is eligible for renewal.


New Roles


  • Rosie Cheng: IEMBP Instructional Assistant

Birth Place Lab

  • Alonso Gainza: Research Assistant – Projects Coordination
  • Vanessa Senkoro: Research Assistant
  • Damara Featherstone: Knowledge Mobilization & Community Engagement Specialist





Crossing the Threshold

Two Indigenous midwifery students and Eight Indigenous medical students graduated from UBC's Faculty of Medicine on May 21 in a ceremony rich with culture and tradition. The event, held in the Sty-Wet-Tan Great Hall of the UBC First Nations Longhouse, brought Indigenous Elders, community members, and supporters together to celebrate the graduates' achievements.

UBC Faculty of Medicine Feature Article


UBC Faculty of Medicine’s gowning ceremony; Professor Cecilia M. Jevittto lead Midwifery work for the Ministry




Faculty Publications

  • Mayra K, Matthews Z, Sandall J, Padmadas SS. “I have to listen to them or they might harm me” and other narratives of why women endure obstetric violence in Bihar, India. Birth. 2024; 00: 1-19. doi:10.1111/birt.12828

Preceptor Corner

Coming soon! (Via. CPD Midwifery)

We are creating a new ‘Midwifery Practice Education Hub’ for our clinical faculty. Designed to help you develop teaching strategies to inspire students, enhance their experience and prepare them for practice. Alongside this initiative, UBC faculty support and development geared toward “Midwives as Teachers” are also being developed.

This hub will host supportive resources for each year. Clinical faculty will be able to select from focused topics, and modules for each topic will be broken down into shorter intervals for ease of completion. All are readily and easily accessed for ongoing learning needs. Content will also include webinars and online workshops.


Change in class times for students in placement

We are trialling a change in class times for the 2024-25 academic year, moving all classes to Thursdays. This will affect all 2nd,3rd and 4th-year students. This move will give us consistent non-teaching days across the Program, which will make working together internally easier as we expand and become more distributed. Students will have the same schedule as always, just moving classes to Thursdays.

Time-off requirements will also remain the same, so students will need to be off-call on Wednesday evening and can return to placement on Thursday after classes. We recognize that some students may miss a Thursday clinic day. We hope they will be able to make up for this time on the 4 other weekdays that they are available.


Intensives Calendar

Dear Clinical Faculty,

Summer is finally upon us! Before we get deservedly distracted by the summer weather, please see this email as a reminder to sign up for the UBC Midwifery Clinical Skills Intensives teaching using the Jane App [hyperlink this].

There has also been a slight update to the calendar as we had to move a few sessions around to accommodate the pelvic teaching assistants. These affected dates are September 19-24 and are reflected in the calendar. If you had previously signed up for these dates, you have already been emailed directly. For all others, please use this newly updated calendar to aid you in signing up on the Jane App. Please also view this video tutorial to help with the signup process as needed.

Log in or sign up: JaneApp.

Thanks so much, and have a great summer!

Much appreciated,

Jenn Nguyen


CPD Midwifery

Help shape the future of CPD for midwives.

Midwives are invited to take part in a needs assessment to share your interest in CPD and the types of programming you would like to see.

Participate by completing this short, anonymous survey by June 30, 2024.



Supporting Patients and Providers in a Sea of Health Misinformation

  • June 27 (Thu) | 6:30–8 p.m. PDT | Webinar
    Audience: all health professionals
    Overview: Gain insight on how to help patients navigate health misinformation and get access to recommended resources to help clinicians and patients assess the reliability of health information. Our panelists are available to share their knowledge and experience — don't miss this opportunity to get your questions answered.
    Up to 1.5 Mainpro+/MOC Section 1 credits


Trauma-Informed Care Workshop Program for Midwives

  • Oct. 29, Nov. 5, 12, 19 (Tuesdays) | 9–11 a.m. PT | Virtual Workshop Series
    Audience: midwives.
    Overview: Join us for an immersive workshop designed to enhance your understanding and skills in trauma-informed care. This training will guide you through the complexities of trauma and its effects, equipping you with the knowledge and tools to effectively support trauma recovery.


Gender-Affirming Perinatal Care: Safe, Respectful and Celebratory

  • eLearning | Any Time
    Audience: midwives, family physicians, specialists, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, residents and students.
    Overview: This one-hour online course is designed to support perinatal care workers and staff to offer an inclusive and respectful experience for Two-Spirit, non-binary and transgender people and their families through pregnancy and the postpartum period. Make your practice safer and identify strategies for supporting an inclusive and welcoming practice for the gender-diverse community.
    Up to 3.0 Mainpro+/MOC Section 3 credits



Are you supporting rural communities?


Coaching and Mentoring Program (CAMP)

  • Ongoing
    Rural BC physician coaches/mentors and coachees/mentees. Midwives supporting rural communities are welcome.
    Overview: CAMP fosters peer support in rural practitioner networks to strengthen your practice, increase your confidence and connect you with other physicians. You may connect with a coach/mentor virtually or in person in your community, regional centre or higher volume centre.
    Up to 16.0 Mainpro+/MOC Section 1 credits for coaches/mentors
    Up to 35.0 Mainpro+/MOC Section 1 credits for coachees/mentees





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