• Report on the Annual General Meeting on April 13 in Trois-Rivières
  • Training schedule
  • Fundraising Event at Joliette Airport, May 4, 2019
  • Lobster Dinner, May 25, 2019 at the La Madeleine Golf Club
  • Fuel discounts available to our members
  • Photo contest 2019

Members of Aviateurs.Québec were invited to attend the Annual General Meeting held on the campus of the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières on April 13th. A great participation including members from all over Quebec, including: Chicoutimi, Mont-Laurier, Gatineau, Quebec, Montreal region, Sherbrooke, Montérégie, Mauricie. Bernard Gervais, CEO of COPA and other players in the general aviation scene in Quebec, such as Pierre Nadon, RVA Casey's promoter, Claude Cyr and Réal Paquette from Les Faucheurs de marguerites of Sherbrooke.

All in all, a busy day that satisfied the participants and demonstrated the important role played by Aviateurs.Québec in the promotion of general aviation in Quebec.

For a copy of the presentation, click here

For consulting the photo album, click here

The major issues that have generated a lot of interest are:

Financial Statements

The fiscal year 2017-18 was difficult, mainly due to a drop in the level of new memberships and renewal. Actions have been put in place to redress the situation. Already in early 2019, there was an increase of 18% in the number of active members. For the expenses, a complete review has been carried out and a recovery of the financial situation is expected for the fiscal year 2018-19. A copy of the financial statements is available to members in the Documentation section of the Aviateurs.Québec website.

Signature of a COPA and Aviateurs.Québec collaboration agreement

Bernard Gervais, CEO of COPA et Gilles Jean, président Aviateurs.Québec.

COPA and Aviateurs.Québec play an important role in the promotion of general aviation in Quebec. The main mission of COPA is to defend our right to fly while Aviators.Québec, the largest French-speaking association in the Americas, promotes general aviation as its primary objective. The two associations will work together through the establishment of a training calendar, events for young people, RVAs etc. There will be other joint events as well as a common communication strategy. We want sustained communication in the same direction between the two associations - this is vital for the future of general aviation in Quebec.

Photo:Jean-Pierre Bonin.

Presentation of the new aviation insurance program

The main objective of this program is to guarantee the best available offer on the market that corresponds to the needs of pilots. Aviateurs.Québec has given an exclusive mandate to the firm Dulude, Taylor (division of the Ostiguy & Gendron Group) a broker specializing in aviation insurance. The goal of this new program is to bring more transparency to aviation insurance. President Gilles Jean invited members to request a quote and see for themselves the difference in the processing of a bid solicitation.

Dulude Taylor can also offer insurance solutions for your hangar and even your car or home, a single point of service for your insurance needs. A representative of Dulude Taylor, Daniel Brochu, was on hand to answer questions.

For more information and to request a quote, click here

Training Program and Launch of the General Aviation Safety Campaign

We announced the deployment of an enhanced training program using local schools or instructors. The goal is to offer a schedule of about 20-25 courses, spaced throughout the year. We will also partner with Transport Canada and COPA in the deployment of the General Aviation Safety Campaign (GACS) in Quebec. As part of this campaign, several training modules will be provided by Transport Canada and will be integrated into our training program.

In the afternoon, Francis Mercier presented the first module of Transport Canada's General Aviation Safety Campaign. This presentation marked the official launch of this safety campaign in Quebec. In collaboration with the regional office of Transport Canada, COPA and our local associations, it will now be deployed across Quebec.

We invite you to visit the website of Transport Canada on the General Aviation Safety Campaign

Launching the application <Accompanying flights>

Do you often fly alone? So why not give your empty seat to a young pilot who can have an additional experience with his training or another experienced pilot? At this annual meeting, Aviateurs.Québec launched a small Facebook application that will easily allow pilots to offer their empty seats.

It is important to ensure succession and this program aims to make itself known to young people. Plus, do you feel out of your comfort zone for certain types of flights? You have never flown to the United States, you are never going to Toronto; it's been a long time since you've been flying in a remote area; so why not ask for an accompaniment using this app? Or simply for the pleasure of being accompanied or for the pleasure of flying on other types of aircraft than yours.

The majority of pilots fly alone so why not share your empty seat.

In addition, this application will allow pilots to make an appointment for small impromptu meetings. For example, a nice Saturday morning you decide to go to lunch at an airport, you only have to use this application to make an appointment with other interested drivers. The beauty of Facebook is that it is a means of instant communication ... if you have subscribed to the alerts, of course.

To subscribe, click here

League of the old stove

We also had a distinguished guest in the person of Mr. Francis Mercier. A veteran of the Royal Canadian Air Force as a CF-18 pilot, Mr. Mercier spoke to the audience about a pilot's situational awareness challenges - a critical survival element for a fighter pilot who also finds his counterpart in general aviation. He shared with us his experience in the Balkans and Kosovo, which he was able to relate to the main topic of maintaining situational awareness and its importance in aviation safety.

Photo contest

Jean-Pierre Bonin presented the three finalists of the 2018 competition.

Congratulations to the winners.

1st prize: Jean-Phillip Grenier        2nd prize: Jérémie Monderie-Larouche 3rd prize: Yoann Filisetti

Training calendar

April 27

  • Chicoutimi
  • Mont Tremblant
  • Lac-à-la-Tortue
  • St. Hubert (Nav Canada)

April 28

  • Mirabel Airport (Nav Canada)

Consult our calendar for more details.

Joliette Airport - Fundraising Day, May 4, 2019


Mark your calendar. The Joliette flying club is organizing a fundraiser on May 4th from 10 am to 5 pm. Remitted to May 5, in case of bad weather.

More details in our next issue.







True to its tradition, Aviateurs.Québec invites you to its annual lobster dinner. This year, we are moving to the south shore of Sainte-Madeleine at La Madeleine Golf Club .

This dinner will also be an opportunity for all to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the APBQ and those who helped make it an association that has become Aviateurs.Québec, the largest French-speaking group of pilots in the Americas.

For the third year we will have our silent auction on the internet and a shout auction which will be hosted by the friendly Gaston Lepage.

Tickets for dinner are on sale on our site  for $ 85 / person. You can also book a table for $ 800.

Hurry up, tickets go fast and these introductory prices will not last.


A reminder that our members benefit from gasoline discounts at many airports in Quebec.

For a list of these airports, visit our website.



Congratulations to Jessie-Ann Drouin Drolet for the winning photo of March, photo submitted by Dave Picard!

Jessie-Ann is awarded one of the following prizes, $ 10 cap or T-shirt or gift certificate.

In order to allow everyone to have the chance to win during the year, the same person can not be declared winner of the month more than four (4) times in the year. Monthly and annual gift certificates can be accumulated for a maximum of $ 105

The 2019 contest continues!

We are currently accepting photos (related to aviation, read the regulations) for the March round.

Send your photos to photos@aviateurs.quebec before April 30th at 10pm.

The winning photos of each month plus the photos with the most votes during the year, up to a total of 20, will be finalists.

As of March, you will be able to vote for any of your favorite photos throughout the year 2019.

To vote, you go to this  link Facebook  , and then you click on the photo (or photos) of your choice!

If you are not a Facebook member, you can see the pictures (without voting) i ci

Prizes for the contest

Grand annual winner: $ 75 gift certificate plus
2nd and 3rd annual trophy : $ 25 gift certificate plus trophy
Monthly winners: Cap or T-shirt or gift certificate $ 10

Gift certificates can be cumulated over the year. In order to allow everyone to have the chance to win during the year, the same person can not be declared winner of the month more than four (4) times in the year. Monthly and annual gift certificates can be accumulated for a maximum of $ 105

For a monthly round to be held, you must have received at least five photos, from at least three different photographers (new in 2018). Otherwise, the photos received are entered in the next month's round. The total number of photos in the final remains at 20.

Winning photos of the month and photos with the most "likes" during the year (up to a total of 20) will be judged later to determine the three winning photos.

You can vote for any of your favorite photos throughout the year 2019. The winning photos of 2019 will be determined by an external juror during the month of January 2020 (see rules) and unveiled at the Annual General Meeting ( AGA) 2020.

To participate

Any photo submitted must be accompanied by the following information:

  • Name and name of the member submitting the photo
  • Membership number (in good standing)
  • Name and name of the person who took the picture (ATTENTION) if this person is not the member transmitting the photo, you certify by submitting the photo that the author is aware and agree to participate in the contest.)
  • The member must also certify that the photographer is not a professional photographer (the photograph does not earn more than 50% of his annual income)
  • Title of the photo
  • Location of the photo
  • The photographer authorizes the contest coordinator to crop my photo, if possible, in case the horizon is visibly crooked.

The "usual" corrections made in post-processing (slight color correction, cropping, straightening, light filtering to increase the sharpness ...) are accepted. Excessive manipulation may be refused by the contest administrator who will then ask for the photo to be re-submitted after "normalization" of the editing parameters.

The photographer authorizes Aviateurs.Québec to use the photos submitted as part of the contest for his publications (Aviateur and L'Aviateur Express magazines, website, Facebook page, Flickr album and other official publications of Aviateurs.Québec) . This partial assignment of rights implies that the photographer remains fully the owner of the rights in the transmitted photos and that they may be used by the author at any time for publication, broadcast or otherwise in any other media or platform. of diffusion.

The photographer must transmit his files in high resolution. Photos smaller than 1024 pixels wide (landscape format) or tall (portrait format) will not be accepted.

Please note: We had to refuse photos in the past, often transmitted by iPhone, in format too small. Please, make sure that you take and transmit your photos in high resolution format.

Important note: all members in good standing of Aviateurs.Québec (registered or not on Facebook) can enter the contest.

Contest rules can be viewed HERE  

Contribution by Jean-Pierre Bonin


Our Facebook page is informative about general aviation topics and in particular about what might be of interest to our members and those who are waiting to become so.

This is also the place where Jean-Pierre Bonin, our loyal collaborator, places the photos submitted as part of the Photo Contest.

We invite you to visit it and why not not register.



"Consolidate and represent the airmen of Quebec to promote general aviation and flight safety, to promote accessibility and to protect the right to it, to facilitate the exchange between members and to give access to resources help, training and information. "


PO Box 89022, CSP Malec, Montreal, QcH9C 2Z3

1-514-255-9998 / 1-877-317-2727 / info@aviateurs.quebec

24 to 48 hours, answers during working hours


Monday to Thursday from 8:30 to 17h

Friday from 8h30 to 13h