Highlights of the Thompson-Nicola Regional District Board of Directors Meeting of November 24, 2022
The TNRD held its Board of Directors Meeting in the Twin Rivers Boardroom of the TNRD Civic Building in Kamloops, B.C. The meeting was held in-person and via Zoom, and a recording of the meeting was uploaded to the TNRD’s YouTube channel. You can view the recording here.
Appointment of New Chief Financial Officer
The Board approved the appointment of Carla Fox as the TNRD’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO), effective immediately. The TNRD announced the appointment of Ms. Fox to the CFO position on November 23, 2022. Read the news release here.
CAO Report
Chief Administrative Officer Scott Hildebrand introduced Ms. Fox as the new CFO during his CAO Report, and provided information to the new Board of Directors on a number of resources and ongoing activities. Read the report here.
Building Renovations
The Board approved two contract awards for renovations to the Civic Building and the Mission Flats Buildings.
The renovation for the Civic Building is required on the second and third floors to create additional work space. Due to a gradual increase in staffing in recent years as a result of increased services, office space will be reallocated as a creative solution to add work spaces. As part of the renovations, a purpose-built Emergency Operations Centre room will also be added, which will be used as a meeting space when the EOC is not activated. This space will prevent the need for the TNRD Board of Directors meetings to be relocated to an external facility in the case of a large-scale EOC event, which happened most recently in 2021. Technology in the Boardroom will also be upgraded to improve video conferencing abilities. Read the report here.
The renovation for the Mission Flats building will enable unfinished storage space to be converted into necessary office space, and will also add a meeting and training room space. The growth in staff and office needs at the Mission Flats building is a direct result of increased services the TNRD provides region wide. Read the report here.
The next Board Meeting is on December 15, 2022, at 1:30 pm at the TNRD Civic Building
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