RDBN Growing Opportunities Agricultural Update - July 2021

February - Issue 19


The longer daylight hours mean we are turning back towards the sun and spring slowly approaches... False springs aside, it looks like we are heading into a fairly stable weather pattern for the end of February, early March. Good news for people who are in the process of calving and/or lambing!

We are in the thick of Annual General Meeting season - our local agriculture associations and organizations and the people who keep them going are unsung heroes when it comes to advocating and supporting our local agriculture production. Farmers' Markets provide spaces for people to sell their farm products, cattle organizations play a huge role in advocacy, farmers' institutes are a collective voice for all agriculture producers, and 4-H organizations help to teach and mentor younger generations. These and other grassroots organizations (e.g., Nechako Valley Food Network, Groundbreakers Agriculture Association, our local beekeeping organizations) support kids having access to local food in schools, community gardens, mentor new producers, and so much more. In addition to all of the above, our local agriculture associations and organizations provide opportunities for networking between farmers - connecting and comparing notes on crops, livestock, and other common ground (pun not intended) is not only good for the soul, it helps everyone adjust and improve their own farm management.

In addition to these meetings, there are a few workshops, Seedy Saturdays and other events on the horizon (see below). Finally, there are many programs offered by the BC provincial government and Agriculture Canada that may help you with either improving your on-farm infrastructure and/or managing your risk. I've put some links in the newsletter below if any of the information or programs catch your interest.


Agriculture Water Management Workshops

The BC Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the Irrigation Industry Association of British Columbia are hosting a series of agriculture water management workshops in early March from Terrace through to McBride.

Bruck Naka, CID, Irrigation Consultant, will be speaking about selecting irrigation systems and evaluating performance, using crop, soil, and climate information to design and operate your irrigation system, drought preparedness and more.


March 5, 2024 from 11:00am to 3:00pm
Old Church


Register Here

Francois Lake

March 6, 2024 from 4:00pm to 8:00pm
Francois Lake Community Hall

Register Here


March 7, 2024 from 4:00pm to 8:00pm
Community Events Center

Register Here


Resources for Producers

Production Insurance

There are several crops that can be insured through this program, including vegetables, flower bulbs, tree fruits, grain, and forages. Extreme and variable weather patterns sometimes translate into crop losses - this insurance program may help recoup some of the lost revenue when crops fail due to drought, flooding, etc.

Dawson Creek is the office that administers the Production insurance program for the Bulkley-Nechako area.


Note that there is an application and payment deadline of April 30 for forage production insurance (covers silage corn and forage spring plantings).

Several resources are available for producers with respect to business risk management, infrastructure improvements, and on-farm innovation.

Investment Agriculture Foundation of BC administers some of these programs - they are accepting applications for the Bee BC, Beneficial Management Practices, Extreme Weather Preparedness, and Environmental Farm Plan programs. The Extreme Weather Preparedness program has four funding streams - wildfire preparedness, flood preparedness, extreme heat preparedness, and innovation projects. All of the streams have a 40% cost-share ratio, with a funding limit of $50,000. Farm & Ranch FireSmart Assessments are 100% cost-shared, with an activity cap of $2,000.

In addition to the above, a reminder that there are several provincial programs designed to help farmers and ranchers manage risk. These include but are not limited to AgriStability, AgriInvest, Livestock Price Insurance, and Production Insurance. More information on these and other programs can be found here.

Agriculture Canada also has programs and services that are designed to help producers in the following areas:

  • innovation
  • sustainable farming
  • business development
  • risk management
  • trade and market development.

Many of you are familiar with the AgriRecovery program that was offered to help producers recover from the impact of last year's drought and wildfire season.

Did you know...

Both Investment Agriculture Foundation of BC and AgriService BC offer email updates on programs, events, webinars, and services. Investment Agriculture Foundation of BC has the option to just get updates on specific programs.

Investment Agriculture Foundation of BC

AgriService BC


Upcoming Events


Please let us know what you'd like to see in the next Growing Opportunities eNewsletter!

Megan D'Arcy, Agriculture Coordinator
Phone: 250-692-0783
Email: megan.darcy@rdbn.bc.ca