SSVP CANADA - February 22, 2023 | ELECTION - NATIONAL PRESIDENT Once again, the time has come to consider candidates for the position of President of the National Council of Canada. The format, timelines and candidate eligibility considerations are as follows and taken from the Canadian Statutes and Rule of the Society in Canada (2.3.4). Only members of Aggregated Conferences and Instituted Councils are eligible as candidates or nominators. The Role and Responsibilities of the National President can be found in Section 2.5 and 2.5.1 of the Canadian Statutes and Rule. | COUNCIL GENERAL INTERNATIONAL | REPORT ON THE PARTICIPATION OF THE SSVP COUNCIL GENERAL AT THE UNITED NATIONS – GENEVA The United Nations in Geneva has been for more than 75 years a center of multilateralism, working for peace, the rights and well-being of “men, women and children everywhere. In the historic setting of the Palais des Nations, the UN – Geneva brings together people, organizations and nations to ensure a better future for all. READ MORE | | ALLOWING THE TRANSFORMATIVE POWER OF LENT TO EMERGE There is a saying, “When a drop of water falls in the ocean, the ocean has changed.” This Lent, may we be that drop of water bringing healing to our world. Taking even a casual look at the situation of our world today one would have to admit that things are in rather dire straits: natural disasters such as the massive earthquake in Turkey and Syria, mass shootings, the war in Ukraine, polarization in our society and the church, rising social problems, loss of respect for life, global pandemics, and corruption in public affairs, to name a few. READ MORE | | GUARANTEED BASIC INCOME The National Advocacy Circle is comprised of Vincentians from across Canada that are interested in Social Justice. Our intention is to identify advocacy issues for our fellow Vincentians and suggest actions we can take for the benefit of our neighbours in need. We are presenting a series of articles promoting the consideration of a Guaranteed Basic Income to address the needs of Canadians living in poverty. Please share this information with your conferences, councils and parishioners. | | REASONS TO SUPPORT BASIC INCOME (GBI) Many people fear giving fellow citizens a guaranteed basic income. They think that if you give people money with no strings attached, they will never want to work. Another fear is that we cannot afford it: the cost will burden the country too much. The parliamentary budget officer (PBO) has calculated the cost of a Guaranteed Basic Income repeatedly, and the answer came back every time that Canada could afford a modest basic income for citizens who need it. The calculations were based on what recipients in the Ontario Basic Income Pilot (OBIP) received. Single adults in need between the ages of 18 and 65 would receive $16,989 per year ($1416 per month). Couples would receive $24,027 per year ($2002 per month). These income rates are 75% of the current poverty line and they are much better than social assistance, but they would not allow for a life of ease. READ MORE | TWINNING WITH BARBADOS Barbados joined the twinning program with Canada in 2022. The Society has a strong presence on the island with a Central Council and 4 conferences, with nearly 50 members. Only one conference had yet to be twinned with Canada at the end of 2022. Like other Caribbean countries, Barbados has a tourism-based economy. It was therefore very affected by the pandemic with an unemployment rate of 40% at the height of the health crisis. The Society is heavily involved in social/medical assistance and in education. The twinning program is a source of funds and moral support greatly appreciated by members. If your conference or council wishes to twin with this country, please contact me: Clermont Fortin, Chair National Twinning Committee | | | FOUR FAMILIES BENEFITED FROM THE GENEROSITY OF SPONSORS DURING THE HOLIDAYS The children of four families in the Quebec City Saint-Malo-Saint-Joseph area (Saint-Sauveur district, La Cité - Limoilou borough) benefited from the great generosity of sponsors, during the holiday season. READ MORE | | | KNAPSACKS AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOR THE CHILDREN Two weeks ago ANC (Association of New Canadians) put out a request for assistance in providing knapsacks for newly arrived children. St. Teresa’s Conference, St. John's NL, took this request to their Particular Council, with a proposal for their consideration. READ MORE | | | QUESTION What are aggregation and institution? | ANSWER The visible unifying link within the Society is the aggregation of the conferences and the institution of the councils declared by the Council General International (CGI). The CGI preserves among all conferences that unity of values, affections and practices cherished by Blessed Frédéric Ozanam, in the spirit of Saint Vincent de Paul. Only the Council General is empowered to institute new councils and aggregate new conferences to the Society, after consulting the appropriate superior, assimilated or associated councils. The President General designates a speaker to receive all proposals from the councils. He or she obtains opinions from the members of the permanent section specifically responsible for handling relations with the requesting councils. The speaker presents the request to the permanent section, which either rejects or approves the application. The President General and the Secretary General sign all aggregation or institution letters. The requesting councils and the beneficiaries, councils or conferences, shall be notified of all decisions concerning the request for aggregation or institution. Conferences applying for aggregation must have been created and have provided services to the poor for at least twelve (12) months. The conferences and councils, once aggregated or instituted, shall retain their status unless circumstances require the President General to proceed with their suspension or exclusion. From The Rule of the International Confederation of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul 2.1.2 Aggregation/Institution 4.15 Institution, Aggregation and Dissolution | | 1.2 QUALIFICATIONS OF A PRESIDENT Candidates for the election for president, at all levels, shall meet a number of requirements and should possess certain desirable qualities and skills. 1.2.1 Requirements A candidate must be: - a full member of the Society;
- a practicing Catholic;
- a volunteer, which means that he or she does not hold any paid position within the Society, including a position in any of the special works.
1.2.2 Desirable qualities and skills Each section of the Canadian Statutes dealing with the duties of the president at the different levels provides guidance concerning the basic qualities and skills required for a member to assume the responsibilities of a president. Qualities A candidate must have: - a deep attachment to the Canadian Rule and Statutes and spirituality of the Society;
- great dedication to the spiritual and temporal welfare of persons in need;
- experience in the service of persons in need, particularly in relation to home visits;
- a personal interest in social issues;
- the ability to lead by consensus whenever possible;
- good communication and listening skills;
- sound judgement. Other Skills The candidate should also possess: - knowledge and appreciation of financial matters, such as budgeting;
- experience in organizing and chairing meetings and committees;
- experience in fundraising
From Section C.2 of Rule and Statutes of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Canada | We are always looking for Vincentian testimonials and conference/council activity stories. Send your stories to share with Vincentians across Canada to If you received this from a friend, you can subscribe to receive our newsletter directly. SUBSCRIBE HERE | Society of Saint Vincent de Paul - National Council of Canada 2463 Innes Road Ottawa, ON K1B 3K3 | | | | |