Janie's Bus Trips
Did you know? You do NOT have to be a Harbour City Senior member to join Janie's Got A Bus trips. The prices listed do not include food, beverages, spending money or taxes. Some ferry fees will be required if you are a non-gold card holder. The group meets and leaves from Bowen Park. However, you can ask to be picked up at home for a small fee. Just call 250-756-5200 if you have any questions and register today!
Aug. 9 - Nootka Island $195
Aug. 10 - Sidney by the Sea $50
Aug. 12 - Parksville to Duncan Thrift Shop Hop $50
Aug. 13 - Dinner out at Bare Bones Fish & Chips $30
Aug. 15 - Spend the day in Victoria $50
Aug.17 - Saturna Island $150
Aug. 20 - Tofino and Ucluelet $65
Aug. 25 - Spend the day in Victoria $50
Aug. 30 - Comox Estuary & Valley Bird Watching Eagles $50
Sept. 2 - Butchart Garden & Fireworks $85