VOLUME 13 No. 19 | NOVEMBER 27, 2023

Front commun demonstration in front of the National Assembly

On November 23, the fourth day of strike action for 420,000 workers belonging to the Front commun, a demonstration took place in front of the National Assembly to demand that the government finally put reasonable offers on the table in order to reach an agreement that will improve the quality of public services and make them more accessible. “Close to 600,000 people are striking today across Québec,” said APTS president Robert Comeau, CSN first vice-president François Enault, CSQ president Éric Gingras, and FTQ president Magali Picard. “We’re making history with the biggest walkout in North America since 1983. This movement is speaking loud and clear, and it’s a movement for everyone. We’re speaking for services for Quebecers. We’re speaking for a way of supporting the development of children and taking care of those who are old, sick or vulnerable, and we’re speaking for women, who make up over 75% of the people providing services in public systems.”

For more information, including information about the conciliator’s intervention and Quebecers’ support for Front commun workers, see the joint press release.

These images from last week's picket lines speak for themselves:
public-sector workers are determined, more than ever, to make the Legault government hear them. Together as one!

"Today, we're making history"

On November 23, 570,000 workers were out on strike – that’s over 10% of Québec’s active population. Since the AT&T strike in 1983, never in Québec, Canada, or even North America have so many people turned out to improve their working conditions by exercising their right to strike. This seemed to call for a joint declaration on the part of the unions involved in the strike. In an open letter published in Le Devoir (English version here), union presidents Julie Bouchard (FIQ), Guillaume Bouvrette (SPGQ), Robert Comeau (APTS), Éric Gingras (CSQ), Mélanie Hubert (FAE), Magali Picard (FTQ) and Caroline Senneville (CSN) speak directly to Quebecers, telling them that workers taking to the streets are doing so “also for you – your children – your parents – your loved ones.” Worth reading and sharing as you get ready for family get-togethers!

In order to counteract Meta’s decision to block the publication on Facebook of news originating with Canadian media, the APTS is now providing a summary of its media interventions (in French) on its website at aptsq.com/media2023. You can go to this page to directly access articles and interviews related to your union.

Strike pay

The online platform to claim strike pay will gradually become operational based on the dates on which pay is cut by each employer. As soon as a pay cut appears on your pay slip, you’ll be able to submit a claim by going to aptsq.com/strike, or by following the instructions on the coupon you received at the mobilization activity. Keep your coupons for November 21, 22 and 23 in a safe place – you’ll have to go back online to make your second claim.

Submitting a claim will be quick and easy in most cases. There will be a slightly longer processing time for anyone who needs to change the information suggested by the system, because further verification will then be required. Also, please note that the platform is frequently updated, which means that it may not be accessible at times. If that happens, please wait 15 minutes before you try to access it again.

Only two weeks left to sign the petition for a democracy that reflects who we are

Émilie Charbonneau, APTS vice-president and political officer responsible for socio-political action, took part in a press conference on October 5 with representatives of various organizations and political parties calling for a bill to reform the electoral system.

  • At every election, Quebecers express views that are not truly represented at the National Assembly.
  • Many voters feel that their vote doesn’t count.
  • We want a democracy that genuinely represents the beliefs and values expressed in Québec society.
  • Democracy is something that belongs to us.

For all of these reasons, let’s sign the petition on the National Assembly website demanding changes to our voting system!


For more information, see the Mouvement démocratie nouvelle website (in French).

Annual payment for sick leave

Under article 30.32 of the national provisions of the collective agreement, the employer must pay full-time employees at the regular salary rate for accumulated sick leave days not used as of November 30, 2023. This payment must be made no later than December 15. Part-time employees, and those who do not hold positions, receive 4.21% of their salary with each pay as a fringe benefit in lieu of sick leave.

CNESST decisions related to 2010 pay equity audit

An FAQ section will be put online this week to answer the chief questions you may have regarding CNESST decisions about individual complaints that were issued on September 28. You will also find information on the CNESST decision regarding physiotherapists’ complaints about the employer’s bad faith, given later this fall.

The FAQ section will be updated over the next weeks to report on the outcome of various developments. See the APTS website this week (in French - English coming soon) to access the FAQ.