An update to the zoning bylaw to increase density standards across the District will be considered for adoption by Council on Tuesday, June 18.
This update proposes to replace the RS-1, RS-1A, RS-2, RS-2A, RS-3, and RMH-2 zoning in most of the District with a new R-1 zone to allow more small-scale housing options in zones that are otherwise restricted to single-family dwellings and duplexes. These changes are necessary to align the District’s zoning requirements with new provincial legislation (BILL 44) as well as the District’s commitments to the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (Squamish Housing Action Plan).
Changes to properties in the new R-1 zone include:
- An increase to minimum density standard.
- Adding a new definition for Multiple Dwelling Residential (MDR) being a physical arrangement of three or more attached dwelling units which have a maximum height of 11 metres and/or a maximum of three storeys.
- Increases in lot coverage and floor area ratios depending on the number of units proposed.
- A decrease of minimum setbacks for properties outside of the flood hazard area.
Please note development for properties with three or more stratified units are still required to undergo a Development Permit Applications (DPA3) process. Please contact the planning department if you are considering building Multiple Dwelling Residential units on your property at 604.815.5002 or