Council Meeting Highlights - January 13th, 2025

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The agenda and live stream of the January 13th meeting is linked below. Official meeting minutes will be available to the public once approved by Council at an upcoming meeting.

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Delegations and Presentations

Accessibility Advisory Committee

Rita Pak, Vice-Chair of the City of Kimberley's Accessibility Advisory Committee, attended to provide an update to Council on the Committee's 2024 activities and workplan for the New Year. Key accomplishments for 2024 included establishing a Committee, awarding a consultant contract to develop an Age-Friendly Accessibility Plan, and securing $27,000 in grant funding for the plan's development. The Committee also created a new parking space to improve accessibility in the Platzl area.

Moving into 2025, the Committee will continue to focus on supporting the Accessibility Plan's development, with significant milestones including community engagement in February, review of the first draft in May, and presentation of the final plan to Council in June. The Committee will also prioritize updating its Terms of Reference and filling a vacant position. Regular meetings will be held bi-monthly to review progress and provide ongoing feedback.

Later in the meeting, Council approved the Accessibility Advisory Committee 2024 Annual Report and 2025 Work Plan. The public will be informed of upcoming engagement sessions regarding the development of the City's Accessibiltiy Plan. 

Kimberley Helping Hands Food Bank - Long-term Grant Request

Kimberley Helping Hands Food Bank Executive Director, Thom Tarte, and Board Chair, Barry Cummings, requested a $25,000 Long-term Grant from the City of Kimberley. They  emphasized the need for stable operating funding, as most available grants are project-based and don’t cover ongoing expenses like food costs, which have risen by 8-20%. The organization is exploring revenue sources like fundraising, donations, and rentals to improve their financial resilience. Donations are unpredictable, with most going directly to food. At Christmas, the food bank spent $26,000 on 175 hampers for 400 people, demonstrating the need for support. Stay tuned for more information on this request in the future. 

Kimberley Nature Park Society - Long-term Grant Request

The Kimberley Nature Park Society (KNPS), represented by Board Vice-President  Laura Duncan, and Directors Jean Terlesky, and Graeme Donaldson, requested a $16,000 Long-term Grant from the City of Kimberley. The KNPS is a volunteer-driven organization responsible for stewardship the Kimberley Nature Park (KNP). With approximately 500 members, the Society recently hired an Operations Manager and are currently working on a trails management plan and other strategic initatives focused on conservation and education. The KNPS is requesting financial commitment from the City to ensure the KNP remains a valued community asset. Stay tuned for more information on this request in the future.

Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2779 - Text Amendment to the R-3A Zone, for Adoption

Council approved Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2779 – Text Amendments to the R-3A Zone. This Zoning Amendment applies only to the Central and Watkins development at 70 Boundary Street. The text amendment will allow for a reduction in minimum separation requirements from 5m to 3m in order to accommodate decks of the bungalows in buildings 2, 5, and 7.

Amendments to Development Permit DP2020-007

Council approved amendments to Development Permit 2020-007 for revised exterior building finishes, roof design and site plans for the Central and Watkins Development at 70 Boundary Street. 

Fire Chief seeks Council support for partnering with the Regional District of East Kootenay grant application

Fire Chief Will Booth requested and received Council authorization for the Regional District of East Kootneay to include the City of Kimberley on a joint application along with other East Kootenay Emergency Management program members to the Union of BC Municipalities Emergency Support Services Equipment and Training Grant. If received, the RDEK will manage the combined $200,000 grant on behalf of the City and other regions, implementing the East Kootenay Emergency Social Services Modernization Project. 

2025 Project/Event Grant Allocations

Council approved recommended Project/Event Grant funding allocations as provided by the Project/Event Grants Evaluation Committee. A total of $79,923 will be allocated to 19 projects/events happening in 2025. Here is the final approved allocation:

The Council meeting concluded at 8:13 p.m., at which point an In-Camera Meeting was conducted.