
The Fraser Highway One-Way Utilities and Public Realm Project will enhance the experience for our businesses, residents, and visitors.

Below, you’ll find key project updates, parking details, a preview of upcoming work, information on project features, and more!

Business Are Open!

Access to businesses along the Fraser Highway One-Way will be maintained, meaning you can access these businesses through their front door

Safe passage of pedestrians and vehicles will be facilitated by the use of traffic control signage and personnel during construction hours.


Parking is available!

  • Free parking will be available throughout the Fraser Highway One-Way in a phased approach.
    • Phase 1 - Limited off-street parking available between January to April 2025
    • Phase 2 - Limited off-street parking available between May to August 2025
  • Parking is available at Langley City Hall (20399 Douglas Crescent).

What's To Come

Take a sneak peek into what we will be working on through January 2025

  • Ongoing Works:

    • Fraser Highway One-Way:

      • Removal of roadway asphalt and concrete.

      • Installation of underground utility infrastructure (water mains, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, and BC Hydro).

    • 206 Street: Installation of underground utility infrastructure and surface works.

  • Upcoming - January 20 to 24: 
    • Installation of underground utility infrastructure (water mains, storm sewers, sanitary sewers and BC Hydro) on Fraser Highway One-Way.
    • Surface works on 206 Street.

Please be advised that:

  • ​​​​​​​Limited off-street parking is available between Salt Lane and 206 Street.
  • Construction will generally occur during the daytime based on the City's Noise Control Bylaw. Some work may occur at night; however, noisy construction activities will not be permitted during night work. 
  • Vibrations are to be expected during construction. 

Project Features

New landscaping, including 85 trees and 630 shrubs.

Improved pedestrian walkway amenities.

Additional community gathering spaces.

Replace aging water mains and improve water service.

Replace aging sanitary & storm sewers and improve sewer service.

New underground BC Hydro infrastructure.

Business Resources


Are you a local business? We want to help equip you with the resources to navigate this exciting and transformative period. Find a few resources below:

  • Downtown Langley Business Association
    Discover Langley City’s priority is to promote Langley City as a destination for residents and visitors by highlighting its unique tourism assets. With the support of cooperative marketing opportunities for partners, the DMO can leverage the power of partnerships and implement marketing initiatives to raise the profile of the area.
  • The Greater Langley Chamber of Commerce
    The Langley Chamber is one of the region's largest and most active business associations, representing over 1,100 member businesses that are working together to build a stronger Langley business community. For over 90 years, the Langley Chamber has worked to support local businesses to grow and succeed through our programming, events, advocacy and other initiatives.

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We are here to help answer any questions you may have.
Please contact Paul Deol at pdeol@cateng.ca or 604.787.6689