National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health |

December 2024

Avian influenza

With a seasonal increase in avian influenza activity in wild birds and poultry across North America, and the first human infection acquired in Canada, this new subject guide provides essential resources for environmental public health practitioners to track the current situation, understand transmission pathways, and identify public health measures to reduce spread.

Food environments

This subject guide introduces the concept of food environments and highlights tools and resources to measure local food environments and the planning and implementation of interventions and strategies. 

Fermented sausages: BCCDC Fermented Foods Safety Guidance

A new chapter on fermented sausages has been added to the BCCDC Fermented Foods Safety Guidance website. These documents discuss specific food safety risks for common types of fermented foods and provides guidance on risk mitigation.

Upcoming Webinar

Designing sun safety: Shade Lookbook
Building Social Connections:
Designing multi-unit housing for social well-being

January 15, 2025 | 12:00 - 1:00pm Pacific Time

Madeleine Hebert, M.Arch
Happy Cities

Register free

Research Scan

December 2024 environmental health research scan

This monthly Research Scan highlights recent environmental health publications by topic and provides easy access to article abstracts and report summaries to support public health professionals, researchers, planners, students, and others working in public health.


Call for applications: External Advisory Committee on Science

The  Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is creating a roster of public health science experts to provide independent, multidisciplinary scientific advice to inform PHAC's science strategies and actions by the best available evidence. This call out will contribute to PHAC's Expert Roster initiative and support the establishment of PHAC's External Advisory Committee on Science.

The Expert Roster will ensure that experts are engaged through a transparent process that considers their skills and Canada's diversity in terms of gender, ethnicity, regions, Indigenous groups, racialized communities and official languages. Those meeting the experience criteria sought are invited to complete the Government of Canada form. Register your interest by December 19, 2024.

If you still have questions, contact with the subject line "Call Out ACS".

2025 Global Health Security Initiative (GHSI) Virtual Symposium series: Febuary 6, 13, 20

A robust public health management of chemical incidents comprises surveillance, mitigation, prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery. Poison centre capabilities can assist and support public health entities in these activities.

This case studies-based symposium, hosted by NCCEH, brings together representatives of poison centres and public health entities to present their experiences in responding to a chemical incident. These presentations will place the relationship between poison centre and public health entities at the heart of the discussions, exploring the importance of their collaboration, as well as gaps and opportunities in chemical incident management.

Register to become an expert reviewer of Canada’s Changing Climate Report

Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Division is inviting interested experts to participate in becoming a reviewer of the next iteration of Canada's Changing Climate Report.

Reviewers will be invited to provide both general and detailed line-by-line comments. The review process will take place from January 13 to February 14, 2025 (five weeks).

More information here. Self-nomination is open until December 20th, 2024.

Please direct any questions to

Call for applications: Canadian One Health Training Program on Emerging Zoonoses

The Canadian One Health Training Program on Emerging Zoonoses (COHTPEZ) is pleased to announce a call for applications from trainees at the Masters, Doctoral or Post-Doctoral level, Clinical Interns or Residents, as well as from Early Career Researchers (within 5 years of their last degree).

This initiative aims to support trainees in completing their research project or a complementary internship that will enhance Canada’s ability to prevent, prepare for, and respond to emerging zoonotic diseases using a One Health approach. For more information:

Application deadline: January 5, 2025 (11:59 PM EST)

Call for abstracts: One Health: Antimicrobial Resistance and Emerging Zoonoses Conference

One Health: Antimicrobial Resistance and Emerging Zoonoses Conference is accepting submissions for abstract presentations. We invite trainees, scientists and researchers in the fields of One Health, Antimicrobial Resistance and Emerging Zoonoses to submit an abstract for presentation during the Conference.

The online submission site will close at midnight MT on January 8, 2025.

NCCPH KT Graduate student awards accepting applications

The National Collaborating Centres for Public Health (NCCPH) are now accepting applications for the 2025 Knowledge Translation Graduate Student Awards! Three prizes of $1500 will be awarded to recognize the work of graduate students related to knowledge translation in public health in Canada. The deadline for applications is February 10, 2025. Learn more about the awards here.

Webinar Recording

External Events

Please note that not all information is available in both official languages as the source of the information may not be subject to the Official Languages Act.

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This email is compliant with Canadian Anti-Spam legislation. For more information please visit the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation page.Production of the NCCEH eNews has been made possible through a financial contribution from the Public Health Agency of Canada through the National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health. NCCEH is one of six National Collaborating Centres for Public Health