January 2020

Long Time No See

We know many of you have wonderful childhood memories of your hometown library but what about lately? We have been packing the program calendar full of fascinating events for ALL ages: We are bringing in local authors to update you on their latest and creating clubs and contests to get you involved in YOUR library again! The Adult Winter Reading Club is a fantastic way to get back into the swing of library life and runs until the end of February. Click the box below for all the details!

Adult Reading Club

Seeing is Believing

Our brand new year (with an obvious nod to perfect vision) directly inspired this month's carousel. What does VISION mean to you? We asked our librarians to have a little fun selecting books around the theme. We invite you to inspect a selection of titles that will have you seeing double, witnessing things you might not have before, and noticing new details all around you!

Vision 2020 Carousel

Straight as an Arrow.

Sailboats and storms and short stories, Oh my! Joel Scott, who wrote Arrow’s Flight and Arrow’s Fall, two entertaining nautical thrillers involving sailing was also a librarian with VIRL for 20 years. He now resides in Chemainus and is about to release the third book in the series...any guesses on the name? Click below to find out the next title and Joel's sage advice for budding authors!

Next in the Series...

Her Vision for the Future.

When Sharon Marshall gets an idea in her head, you can be sure she follows up quickly with a plan of action! This was certainly the case when many years ago she realized she required upgrading to apply for a better job within her organization. She wasted no time finding a solution. What did she find in the library that meant a promotion? Read on to discover an amazing resource.

How did she do it?

See What's Happening!

"Roll camera. Sound. Action!" A few weeks ago the Creativity Commons Branch was bustling with "action" as a Film Makers Group captured interviews with various local dignitaries on the subject of food security for an informative documentary being created for Nanaimo Foodshare. They were fully utilizing VIRL's green screen studio, and the members were involved in various stages of the shoot.  

Filmaking at the Library!

Book Lover, what's your sign?

Capricorn: Your slow & steady approach will always win the race. No need to worry about a thing, we have some choice self-help and renewal titles on our list this month to keep you moving forward!


Do you have a WHALE of a story to share? Any ideas for our monthly eNewsletter? We want to hear stories from YOUR community, and answer questions that you have about what we offer! Want to suggest a topic or tell us about an interesting author or illustrator you know? Someone in your town making a difference in literacy, please share your ideas!

I have an idea!

Vancouver Island Regional Library   |    90 Commercial St. Nanaimo BC  |   info@virl.bc.ca