Recent publications by IRES' core faculty members.
Integrating high-speed videos in capture-mark-recapture studies of insects
R Khelifa, H Mahdjoub, L M’Gonigle, C Kremen
Authorea Preprints
Perennial staple crops: yields, distribution, and nutrition in the global food system
M Kreitzman, E Toensmeier, KMA Chan, S Smukler, N Ramankutty
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 4, 216
From needs to actions: prospects for planned adaptations in high mountain communities
G McDowell, LM Harris, M Koppes, MF Price, KMA Chan, DG Lama
Climatic Change, 163, 953-972
Gender-sensitive analysis of water governance: insights for engendering energy transitions
G Özerol, LM Harris
Engendering the Energy Transition, 59-82
Understanding and responding to the environmental human rights defenders crisis: The case for conservation action
PB Larsen, P Le Billon, M Menton, J Aylwin, J Balsiger, D Boyd, M Forst, F Lambrick et al
Conservation Letters, e12777
Harnessing visitors' enthusiasm for national parks to fund cooperative large‐landscape conservation
AD Middleton, T Stoellinger, H Karandikar, B Leonard, H Doremus, C Kremen
Conservation Science and Practice, e335
Spatial correlations don't predict changes in agricultural ecosystem services: A Canada-wide case study
MGE Mitchell, KMA Chan, NK Newlands, N Ramankutty
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 4, 235