Lactanet Canada

Dairy Knowledge

- Genetics Edition -

December 2023


As 2023 wraps up, let’s take a trip down memory lane as we highlight the significant deliverables from the Lactanet genetics team. In addition, this issue features information on how to maximize genetic progress, an update to the display of type traits with an intermediate optimum, as well as an educational podcast.
Happy holidays from all of us at Lactanet!


Maximize Genetic Progress

With so much valuable information available today, what are the main areas to focus on to maximize your herd’s genetic potential and reach your goals faster?

Find out

Updated Display of
Type Traits

To assist in the understanding of type traits with an intermediate optimum value, we've modified the Genetic Evaluation Summary page found via the Animal Query tool on the Lactanet website.

Learn more

Open Industry

Save the date for Lactanet’s winter Open Industry Session taking place on Tuesday, February 27th. In the meantime, check out key takeaways from previous sessions!

Read more


2023 Genetic Highlights

As 2023 comes to a close, let’s highlight some notable developments from the Lactanet genetics team:  

  • Launched Genetic Evaluations for Methane Efficiency and Body Maintenance Requirements

  • Enhanced Genetic Evaluations for Hoof Health

  • Updated the purchase option for Sustainability genetic evaluations: Feed Efficiency and Methane Efficiency

2023 Awards


Visit Compass, a free interactive guide to genetics and profitability. 
In partnership with Holstein Canada.

Lactanet Canada

For the most recent genetic evaluations, visit