AVIATEUR EXPRESS #869 - February 2, 2022


  • Safety capsule: Alert - Ski operations
  • RVA Ste-Anne-du-Lac canceled
  • Moe's Fly-in, February 26 is on
  • COPA Scholarships - Application Period Open
  • Attitude Hélicoptère: a new corporate member 
  • VFR flight: Results of the short questionnaire on VFR flight
  • Video training offered by Aviateurs.Québec
  • The Laplante-Duggan Fund
  • Renewal of medical certificates
  • Your virtual library.
  • Photo Contest 2020-21

Safety capsule: Alert - Ski operations

A reminder on precautionary measures to be taken during operations on skis:

  1. Never venture into remote areas alone, depart with at least 2 aircraft;
  2. Analyze the terrain from the air before undertaking the approach: obstacles on the ground, surrounding terrain in the event of a go-around, best exits for possible take-off;
  3. On the first approach, fly over at low speed and low altitude for a good view of the ground: look for "hot spots" (darker area of snowy space), possible buried snowmen, ice holes fishermen and others;
  4. On the first landing maintain full throttle and a good ground speed by letting the skis put weight on the snow without stopping for a length equivalent to at least twice the required landing/takeoff length and make a lift;
  5. If the layer of snow has a significant crust, take off again immediately and return the following winter;
  6. From the air, check if the water has come up in our tracks. If positive, move on to the next lake, otherwise begin the approach with the objective of depositing the skis at the very beginning of our same track to stop in the first third in order to keep the rest for take-off;
  7. On the ground, avoid turns, the best way to find a hot spot and rush into the slush;
  8. Always take off again in the same tracks, this reduces the risk of encountering an unexpected obstacle;
  9. Watch out for snowmobile trails, absolutely avoid them if not approach them at low speed;
  10. In a “whiteout” situation, avoid small lakes. Hang a long approach with a gentle slope. If you go along the edge of the lake to get a ground reference, make sure you are on the upwind side.

Above all, bring all the necessary survival equipment.

Let's enjoy the rest of the season, protect our riders' rights and protect our insurance premiums!

Yves Saint-Loup,
514 448-1899
Sierra Insurance Aviation

Photo: Jean-Pierre Bonin

RVA Ste-Anne-du-Lac canceled

Moe's Fly-in, February 26 is on. Stay tuned

COPA Scholarships - Application period is open.

An announcement from COPA

What do you imagine when you see the sky? We see endless possibilities for you and our growing flight community, which is why we are pleased to announce the launch of our annual scholarship program. Keep scrolling to learn more about our new and renewed scholarship funds. In total, the COPA bursaries are valued at $24,500 and will fund the flight training of seven (7) deserving individuals. Please note that applications must be submitted by March 1, 2022.

To find out more, click HERE

Photo: COPA website

Attitude Hélicoptère: a new corporate member 

This week we welcome a new corporate member: Attitude-Helicopter .

It is a flight school based at Neuville airport less than 15 minutes from Quebec City. This school offers practical and theoretical courses for obtaining private and professional license. Their courses are suitable for an active clientele with a busy schedule.

We thank Jean-Philippe Guilbault, founder and pilot-instructor for his support, which allows us to continue our mission of promoting general aviation and aviation safety.

To find out more about the Attitude Hélicoptère school, click HERE

Video: Attitude Hélicoptère website 

VFR flight: Results of the short questionnaire on VFR flight

In the last edition of the L'Express newsletter, we suggested a short questionnaire on VFR flight - just to test your knowledge. More than 250 readers responded to our questionnaire. To view the results of this questionnaire, click HERE  . This document gives the results for each of the questions as well as the regulatory references that apply.

Also, we invite you to consult an article by Michel Guy Payment which discusses the particularities of VFR flight in controlled and uncontrolled areas. Click HERE

Video training on Foreflight offered by Aviateurs.Québec

Need to refresh your memory on the use of Foreflight? We have what you need. We offer tutorials on Foreflight, exclusively available to Aviateurs.Québec members :

  • Initial setup (video 2:06 hours)
  • Flight planning (video 1:54 hour)
  • Mass and balance (video 24:28 minutes)
  • Visual approach (video 14:47 minutes)

These tutorials are led by Patrick Remy, CPL, IFR - one of our collaborators at Service Plus.

To access these videos, click HERE

The Laplante-Duggan Fund

The Laplante-Duggan Aviation Safety Fund was created in memory of Claude Laplante and James Duggan, who tragically perished in a plane crash in July 2019.

This Fund  is used to finance training, awareness campaigns on various topics affecting aviation safety, to promote good practices, to raise awareness of tools and technologies that can help pilots be safer and more secure. This program provides all pilots, new and experienced, with the knowledge and tools they need and encourages them to follow good practices at all times.

We invite you to show your support for our training activities by contributing to the Laplante-Duggan Fund. Click HERE

Renewal of category 4 medical certificates

A reminder on the procedure to follow.

Physical and mental fitness for a Category 4 medical certificate is established by completing Form No. 26-0297, Medical Declaration for Licenses and Permits Requiring a Category 4 Medical Standard. A reminder that in order to be eligible for a category 4 medical certificate, you must not have any medical conditions that are listed on this form.

This document (26-0297) is available HERE

It is recommended that pilots submit a request for a Category 4 Medical Certificate by email to their appropriate Regional Service Center whose email addresses can be found by clicking HERE . Medical statements should be sent to the regional service center and not to Civil Aviation Medicine to avoid unnecessary delays. Transport Canada agrees to respond within 60 days of receiving the request.

The age of the applicant and the type of permit or license applied for determine the frequency of medical examinations necessary to meet physical and mental fitness requirements. The period of validity of a medical certificate is calculated from the first day of the month following the date of the medical examination or the medical statement.

We also learned from Transport Canada that the 90-day exemptions for logbook signatures will be renewed in January 2022. So don't worry, your logbook is still valid even if you haven't received the label.
Similarly, those who have a card that expires, the exemptions will be renewed as well. Transport Canada should decide on the new timelines shortly.

Your virtual library

Here are links that will take you to the latest editions of these publications.

Click on the title of the publication to view and download it:

2021 Photo contest of Aviateurs.Québec 

Congratulations to Ghislain Buisson for the winning photo of the month of December!

Ghislain wins one of the following prizes, cap or Polo.

The 2021 competition is now in the final judging phase. The 2021 winning photos will be determined by an external juror during the month of January 2022 (see rules) and unveiled in the March-April 2022 edition of L'Aviateur magazine! The trophies will be awarded at the 2022 Annual General Meeting (AGM).

The 2022 competition will resume in February 2022

You can always send us photos by writing to us at photos@aviateurs.quebec


  • Give a TITLE to the photo
  • Give the full NAME of the PHOTOGRAPHER
  • Give YOUR full NAME
  • Give your member NUMBER (IN RULE).

For the rest, we will consider that you have read and accepted the rules when you participate...

Contest rules are HERE



" Bring together and represent the aviators of Quebec in order to promote general aviation and flight safety, to promote its accessibility and to protect the right to it, to facilitate exchanges between members and to provide access to resources assistance, training and information."


CP 89022, CSP Malec, Montreal, QcH9C 2Z3

1-514-255-9998 / 1-877-317-2727 / info@aviateurs.quebec


Monday to Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.