AVIATEUR EXPRESS # 842 - February 3, 2021 Exceptionally, the sending of our newsletter had to be delayed due to maintenance on our supplier's servers. | IN THIS NUMBER : - Notice of appointment: Bernard Gervais.
- Training - Foreflight, now available on video on demand.
- COVID-19: new exemptions from Transport Canada.
- Transport Canada: Reminder - notice of public consultation aimed at establishing a mandatory frequency zone for the airports of Montmagny and L'Isle-aux-Grues.
- Portrait of Quebec aviators: Claude Giroux, Cirrus STandardized Instructor Pilot of the year 2020 for North America.
- Do you know the Latécoère-Aérospatiale raid?
- Airmedic: a new price list for 2021, but still a 20% discount for members of Aviateurs.Québec.
- Recency trining: Winter Flying.
- Well done to these pilots who have just taken an important step.
- AeroPod # 57, Not easy for Boeing, gear turbofan, Ghanzou on top and Delta on an upward slope.
- Your virtual library, updated January 20, 2021
- Photo contest 2020-21
| Notice of appointment : Bernard Gervais | Michel Chartier, President of Aviateurs.Québec, is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Bernard Gervais to the position of director on the board of directors of Aviateurs.Québec. Bernard brings us incomparable experience and expertise in the field of general aviation and he will thus have a key role in the pursuit of Aviateurs.Québec's mission to promote general aviation within the French-speaking community of pilots. Bernard has a long and successful track record serving the pilot community in Canada. In particular, he was President and CEO of COPA from 2015 to 2020 and previously President of Aviateurs.Québec from 2014 to 2015, preceded by VP Member Services and Director of the Association for more than 10 years. His time within these organizations greatly contributed to their success and to advancing the cause of general aviation with decision-making bodies both in Quebec City and in Ottawa. His knowledge of the general aviation environment in Quebec as well as his rich and vast network are definitely assets that will benefit members of Aviateurs.Québec. For those who would like to communicate with Bernard, his email address at Aviateurs.Québec is gervaisb@aviateurs.quebec . On behalf of the board of directors of Aviateurs.Québec and on my own behalf, I extend a warm welcome to Bernard and can assure him of our fullest support. Michel Chartier Chairman of the board of directors Aviateurs.Québec Photo: Facebook | Training and tutorials - Foreflight | For those who have missed our recent training sessions on Forefight, we are proud to offer free access to these training courses for a limited time to all members and non-members of Aviateurs.Québec. To view these trainings, click HERE These trainings are made possible thanks to the Laplante-Duggan Fund. Following the tragic deaths of Claude Laplante and James Duggan, this fund was set up at the request of the families of Claude and James in order to be able to finance training initiatives. Although our offer is free and unconditional, you can always help us continue our mission of promoting aviation safety by clicking HERE to donate to the Laplante-Duggan Fund. | COVID-19: New exemptions from Transport Canada | -
RCN-134-2020 - allow candidates who have not yet passed the written examination required for an instrument rating, or one of the flight instructor ratings, to be accepted to attempt the required flight test for the issuance of an instrument rating, or one of the flight instructor ratings until June 1, 2021, as a temporary measure - Issued January 13, 2021 (reissue of RCN-076-2020) -
RCN-136-2020 - to grant a four month extension to allow license applicants whose written exam results expire during flight training unit closures to apply for a license, license or rating without having to retake the Transport Canada exams - Issued January 21, 2021 (reissue of RCN-093-2020) -
RCN-137-2020 - will provide all applicants who have passed the flight test between March 11, 2020 and June 1, 2021, an extension of up to five (5) additional months to submit an application for a permit, license or Qualification - Issued January 12, 2021 (reissue of RCN-094-2020) All exemptions can be found HERE | Transport Canada: Reminder - notice of public consultation aimed at establishing a mandatory frequency zone for the airports of Montmagny and L'Isle-aux-Grues . | Portrait of Quebec aviators: Claude Giroux 2020 Cirrus Standardized Instructor Pilot - North America. | Aviators: Quebec would like to congratulate Claude Giroux on being named the 2020 Cirrus Instructor of the Year for North America. Claude Giroux is one of the few pilots in Canada who are certified Cirrus Standardized Instructor Pilot. Claude's reputation is well established in the Cirrus universe and this is how the Cirrus Aircraft company was able to recognize Claude's work and merit as an instructor on the Cirrus. You can read Claude's story by clicking HERE Bravo Claude! | Do you know the Latécoère-Aérospatiale raid? Contribution: Sophie Dufresne, VP Membership Services, Flight Instructor, Class 1 | Well known on the old continent, the Raid is coming to Quebec this summer for a first in North America. From August 14 to 29, more than 3000 km will be covered on a fleet beyond the 52 nd parallel. The beautiful adventure. For a good cause. But first, what is the Raid Latécoère-Aéropostale? '' THE AIR TO CONNECT MEN '' Such was the idea of Pierre-Georges Latécoère, founder of the airlines bearing his name, which will become AÉROPOSTALE, which has left more than a trace in history. Mr. Latécoère dreamed of creating a postal service linking France to Senegal, and ultimately to Buenos Aires, South America. He succeeded in creating the service in Africa in 1923 with a Toulouse-Dakar link and the link with South America in 1930. At a time when every flight is a risky, even fatal adventure, its pilots have become legends. Among the best known: Jean Mermoz and Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. In order to pay tribute to these aviation pioneers, the association of the Aéroclub Pierre-Georges Latécoère (APGL) has been organizing the Raid Latécoère-Aéropostale since 2008, which traces the path traveled by these legends while promoting the history of the 'aviation. And this year, Quebec is the scene of this first in North America. At least 5 float planes will travel over 3000 km from August 14 to 29. For more, click HERE In addition to this, you need to know more about it. | Airmedic: a new price list for 2021, but still a 20% discount for members of Aviateurs.Québec | Well done to these pilots who have just taken an important step. | .................................................. ........... | .................................................. ........... | Recency training: A reminder - Winter flying. The video will be available until March 31, 2021. | Transport Canada has authorized Aviateurs.Québec to post online the recording of a training session, held last December, on winter flying, for the purpose of recency training in accordance with CAR 401.05. In these difficult times, when COVID is disrupting our lives, Aviateurs.Québec is pleased to offer this training free of charge to all members and non-members of Aviateurs.Québec. We do this to give everyone the opportunity to meet their need for regulatory compliance, but also to improve their competence as a pilot. In addition to the 75 people who attended this training live on December 8, more than 100 more pilots took advantage of the video-on-demand service and were able to complete their recency training in the comfort of their homes. In order for this video-on-demand training to be used to validate your own recency training, the video must be viewed in full. To do this, it is imperative to click on all the "I am present" which will appear directly on the screen randomly throughout the video. It is therefore most important for you not to leave your screen while viewing. If you have to, then pause the video. To access the video on demand, click HERE and follow the instructions to connect to the AVPBOX platform. | AéroPod: Episode # 57, Not easy for Boeing, gear turbofan, Ghanzou on top and Delta on an upward slope | Our sale continues. We reduced our prices by 15%. Take the opportunity to display your colors, those of Aviators.Québec Click on the image to go directly to our online store | Your virtual library, updated January 20, 2021 | Here are links that will take you to the latest editions of some publications. Click on the title of the publication to view and download it: | Aviateurs.Québec - Photo Contest | 2021 PHOTO CONTEST Not having received enough submissions for January, submitted photos will be entered into the February round. In the meantime, I offer you a "little" souvenir from Montebello ... The 2020 competition is now in the final judging phase. The winning photos for 2020 will be determined by an external juror during the month of January 2021 (see rules) and revealed in the March-April 2021 edition of L'Aviateur magazine! The trophies will be presented at the 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM). The 2021 competition begins! Now is the time to submit a photo or two for February! We are currently accepting photos (aviation related, read regulations) for the January round. We currently have no photos in the bank. Members in good standing of Aviateurs.Quebec can send their pictures to photos@aviateurs.quebec before 22h00 February 28. The winning photos for each month plus the photos with the most votes during the year, up to a total of 20, will be finalists. The pricing structure Grand annual winner: gift certificate $ 75 plus trophy 2nd and 3rd annual: gift certificate $ 25 plus trophy Monthly winners: Cap or Polo In order to allow everyone to have the chance to win during the year, the same person cannot be declared winner of the month more than four (4) times during the year. For a monthly round to be held, you must have received at least five photos, from at least three different photographers. Otherwise, the photos received are entered in the following month's round. The total number of photos in the final remains at 20. The complete contest rules can be viewed HERE | AVIATEURS.QUÉBEC AVIATEURS.QUÉBEC IS A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION WHICH MISSION ISTO: "Bring together and represent the aviators of Quebec in order to promote general aviation and flight safety, to promote accessibility and protect the right to it, to facilitate exchanges between members and provide access to resources assistance, training and information. " TO CONTACT US : CP 89022, CSP Malec, Montreal, QcH9C 2Z3 1-514-255-9998 / 1-877-317-2727 / info@aviateurs.quebec OUR HOURS ARE: Monday to Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. | | | | |