Welcome to the 'Bullying Begone' edition of Myles Ahead's curated Educator Resources. The links below include recommended resources to help define, identify, and address bullying at school so that students feel safe to learn and express their true selves. 

Educator Resources:

Curated by Facing Our History Together, the following resources include a video, stories, and activities to develop greater awareness and understanding of bullying as well as strategies for addressing it:

  1. John Amaechi Discusses Identity
  2. Bullying at School
  3. What Difference Can a Word Make?

About Us:

For those who are unfamiliar with Myles Ahead, we are a national charity that is dedicated to advancing child and youth mental health. Thank you for joining us along this journey. To learn more, click here.

T: 416.929.6675 | W: mylesahead.ca | Registered Charity #72688 1717 R0001

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