AVIATEUR EXPRESS # 930 – June 5,  2024

The photo in this edition of “Your photo in the newsletter banner” is by Gervais Dubé.

Congratulations to Gervais for this photo taken at Sherbrooke airport.

This photo will be among the finalists in January 2025 presented to an external jury determining the three winners of the photo competition trophies. She will also be eligible for the end-of-year draw for ten prizes from ALL photos received.

To see all the photos from the 2024 Photo Competition

You too could have your photo put in the banner of our newsletter and our Facebook page. To send us your photos, write to us at photos@aviateurs.quebec

Check out the details about this competition


  • All-you-can-eat lobster fundraising dinner: Thanks to our partners and all participants
  • News from one of our partners: Bel Air Aviation
  • Avgeek season 1 is History
  • Congratulations to Passport Hélico
  • Two Jeunes en vol events: Saint-Jean and Amos
  • Aviateurs.Quebec insurance plan
  • Congratulations to Nathalie Fortin
  • Aero Grill Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu airport (CYJN): June 15
  • RVA de la Tortue aerodrome Lac-à-la-Tortue: July 6
  • AeroSalon 2024 
  • SOPFEU: a reminder
  • Featured classified ad 
  • NAV Canada: tutorials to tame CFPS
  • Our video-on-demand platform
  • Your virtual library

All-you-can-eat lobster fundraising dinner: Thanks to our partners and all participants

Thank you to our main partner, Air Canada, to all our other partners and to all our participants for a most successful lobster dinner. More than 300 people attended this annual event - a spring tradition that continues.

Good humor was in order. Gaston Lepage, our official auctioneer, was able to raise the house...and the bidding. We also had several winners during the evening. Here are a few :

Thanks to the generosity of our partners and participants during this benefit event, we raised more than $21,000 during this evening. The profits from this evening will allow Aviateurs.Québec to improve its actions in promoting aviation safety and general aviation. 

We'll see you next year for another edition of our all-you-can-eat lobster dinner. Watch our announcements for the date and when tickets go on sale.

Photo album of Jean-Pierre Bonin

News from one of our partners: Bel Air Aviation

Bel-Air Laurentien Aviation could have its customers flying in a completely electric aircraft in the coming years.

To find out more about this news

Source: ICI Mauricie-Centre-du-Québec, Amélie Simard-Blouin
Photo: Radio-Canada/Olivier Croteau

Avgeek season 1 on Historia

The weekly broadcast of season 1 on Historia is now over. Have you watched this series? Historia would like to know if you liked this series and if you would like there to be a second season. A survey was launched by Historia on their Facebook page. Let them know your feedback and request a second season by clicking the following button:

Poll - Did you like the Avgeek series? Do you want a 2nd season?

Did you know that all episodes of season 1 are available for catch-up on the Historia website?

Avgeek, season 1 catch-up

Congratulations to Passport Hélico

Aviateurs.Québec congratulates the Passport Hélico school, one of our corporate partners, which received for the seventh time the trophy Roland-Simard for the best flying school. This distinction, obtained during the AQTA annual congress, highlights the excellence of its theoretical and practical helicopter training.

To find out more about Passport Hélico

Two Jeunes en vol events: Amos and Saint-Jean

Aviateurs.Québec congratulates the organizers of these two events which were held recently: Saint-Jean (May 25) and Amos (June 1). We recognize the effort and availability of all the volunteers who made these events possible and their contribution to the promotion of general aviation.

We have two souvenir albums to offer you:

Amos - photos by Jean Philppe Richard

Saint-Jean - photos by Jean-Pierre Bonin

Don't hesitate, ask for a quote.
It doesn't commit you to anything and you can compare!


Congratulations to Nathalie Fortin
Aviateurs.Quebec would like to congratulate Nathalie Fortin for obtaining a class 1 instructor certification from Transport Canada. Nathalie is a free-lance instructor in the Ottawa-Gatineau region and was until recently on the board of administration of Aviateurs.Québec as the vice-president, members services. Bravo Zulu Nathalie.

Follow Nathalie on LinkedIn

Nathalies's blog


Bel-Air Aviation, Aviateurs.Québec, Aéro Atelier CM invites you to the BelAir Aviation facilities at Lac à la Tortue for an RVA Fleets and Wheels. CSU7 and CSL3.

Site opens at 10:00 a.m.

NEW THIS YEAR: Presence of AeroFormatech® for training in underwater evacuation in a real situation at Lac-à-la-Tortue. REGISTER directly at 1-844-615-4911 or for information info@aeroformatech.com

Hot dog and cold drinks will be available for sale. Souvenir T-shirts on sale on site.

All profits will go to the Notre-Dame School Breakfast Club.

Inflatable game for children. Choupette service for taking out and parking seaplanes. 100 LL gasoline available on site for seaplanes and wheeled planes. Exhibition of scale models of the CARC club. Camping under the wing if you wish.

For the occasion, runway 16/34 will be closed ❌Runway 21/03 will be in use and the Unicom frequency is 122.7 and the ground frequency 122.75

AéroSalon 2024 - Saint-Hubert airport

Aviateurs.Québec is proud to have been a partner in this event. We were on site all weekend, including Friday reserved for high school students, to answer questions from the public and thus contribute to the promotion of general aviation. 

Fabien Marier, an administrator on the Aviateurs.Québec board of directors, was at the AQ kiosk with Michel Chartier on Saturday. Fabien's comments following this extraordinary day:

'' What I remember: the shows, each more impressive than the other, as well as the number of exhibitors.  The AéroSalon reminded me that aviation is a passion for me, but also a world that makes a large number of people dream.  Being a pilot and/or being around pilots makes us forget that it is a sector that amazes young and old alike.  My daughter Ambre, who used to fly with me, discovered this world and came back amazed. She realized how lucky we are.

In conclusion, let us never forget that we are privileged and encourage all pilots to share their passion with as many people as possible. We must be proud to be part of this world and we must continue our work to make this dream accessible and safe.''

In the photo on the right, we see Michel and Fabien with his daughter Ambre who proudly displays a book by Jean-Marc Valiquette on the Avro Arrow, which she used to capture the autographs of the Snowbird team pilots.

Did you miss the AéroSalon 2024? Jean-Pierre Bonin, our faithful collaborator, was there and put together a photo album.

AéroSalon 2024 photo album by JP Bonin

Featured classified ad

NAV Canada: Some tutorials on the AWWS platform

To help you get to grips with this new platform, NAV Canada has posted a few videos that guide you in using CFPS.

How to use CFPS

How to query CFPS

Our video-on-demand platform

You want to improve your skills as a pilot or simply comply with regulatory requirements. We have what you need. Video training that you can watch at your leisure, from the comfort of your home and it's free for members of Aviateurs.Québec. We offer 2 types of training:

  • Training for the purpose of updating knowledge and which is approved by Transport Canada
    • Risk management during the approach and landing phase
    • Flight in winter
  • General interest training. We offer these training courses on Foreflight:
    • Initial setting
    • Flight planning
    • Weight and balance
    • Visual approach
    • Installing a PDF document in Foreflight.

How to get there ? Easy !

  1. By going to the home page of the Aviateurs.Québec website
  2. By then clicking on the quick link Training – Video on demand
  3. That's it, you will then have access to our online training video library .
  4. Then follow the instructions to view your training.

Your virtual library

Here are links that will take you to the latest editions of these publications.

Click on the title of the publication to view and download it:

Your photo:
If possible in high definition. Minimum format: 1024 pixels in its largest dimension. Information required :

  • PLACE where the photo was taken
  • YOUR FULL NAME (note that only members in good standing can participate)
  • You have read and accept the complete regulations available on the Aviateurs.Québec website by clicking HERE

Functioning :

Submit your photo to photos@aviateurs.quebec

The photo placed in the banner will be chosen by the person(s) administering the competition.

For subsequent editions of the newsletter, the photo chosen will be from among all the photos received since the beginning of the current year. At the end of the year, the photos (maximum 26) that have been chosen for the banner will be submitted to an external jury to determine the three winning photographers.

First prize: $150 gift certificate + trophy
Second prize: $100 gift certificate + trophy
Third prize: $50 gift certificate + trophy

10 other winners will be determined by random draw among ALL photographers who participated during the year: $55 credit applicable towards a membership renewal or a purchase in the Aviateurs.Québec store of the winner's choice.


"To bring together and represent Quebec aviators in order to promote general aviation and flight safety, to promote its accessibility and to protect its rights, to facilitate exchanges between members and to provide access to resources assistance, training and information."


CP 89022, CSP Malec, Montreal, QcH9C 2Z3

1-514-255-9998 / 1-877-317-2727 / info@aviateurs.quebec


Monday to Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.