HARS Stocktake Survey - Request for interest from those working in extreme heat preparedness and response to participation
The NCCEH is conducting a survey to gauge the implementation status of Heat Alert and Response Systems (HARS) or HARS-like plans of all health authorities/units/zones, provinces, territories, and relevant agencies in Canada. The information gathered will allow the NCCEH and federal partners to better understand HARS implementation across Canada, uncover best practices for HARS across different regional contexts in Canada, and help shape future heat-related program and policy development. The data collected in this study is anonymous, and all responses collected will remain confidential.
Deadline for the survey is now extended to Friday May 31, 2024
If you are involved in extreme heat-related preparedness and response work at health authorities/units/zones, provincial/territorial (PT) governments or relevant agencies in Canada and would like to participate in this survey, please contact us by email at ncceh@bccdc.ca
If you wish to preview the questions, please contact us for a copy.
Food Safety in Canada Community of Practice
The NCCEH has launched a new online community of practice focusing on the field of food safety. Join us in discussions with colleagues across Canada!
Join the Food Safety CoP
Share your thoughts: Public Health Agency of Canada Science Strategy
The agency is seeking public input to develop its first Science Strategy. Consultations will help organize the agency's science work around a common vision and gain insight on how science can best support public health in Canada.
Survey opened on May 8, 2024 and will close on June 10, 2024.
Participate by online questionnaire.
Send an email to VOS-VS@phac-aspc.gc.ca with your ideas or comments.