April 1, 2021

Town moves to Alberta Emergency Alert for all emergency notifications 

Due to the advancements in emergency mass notification technologies available for municipalities, the Town will be moving away from the Safe Communities Alert Network (SCAN) broadcasting system, to focus on the Alberta Emergency Alert (AEA) system for all future emergency notifications as of May 1, 2021. Be sure to download the AEA app or sign up to receive notifications!

How to sign up for AEA

Council approves two policies to support affordable housing

At the regular March 22 meeting, Council approved two programs that reflect recommendations in the Affordable Housing Strategy, approved in principle in Fall, 2020: 
the Below Market Housing Incentive Grant for developers, and the Secondary Suite and Accessory Dwelling Unit Grant program for homeowners.

Find more information

Tax incentive will promote industrial growth

Council has approved an industrial tax incentive to encourage economic growth in industrial areas of town. Projects eligible for this tax incentive would include new developments or significant renovations with a minimum construction value of $2 million. 

Learn about the program

Climate Action Plan will guide Okotoks to carbon neutrality by 2050

Council approved the Resilient Okotoks: Climate Action as a means to meet Council’s commitment to carbon neutrality by 2050. The plan brings together mitigation and adaptation actions from studies and policies already in place to ensure Okotoks is aligned with the Government of Canada’s target of 30 percent below 2005 emissions by 2030. 

Read the full action plan

Get involved! Calgary Metropolitan Region Board launches final phase of public engagement

The CMRB growth plan will impact Okotoks’ future growth, and it is important that Okotokians take the time to provide their feedback to ensure our community is part of these decisions. This final phase includes online surveys and polls, as well as virtual open houses. Register for an open house:

  • Business Focus Apr. 6, 12-1:30 p.m.
  • Environmental Focus Apr. 8, 7-8:30 p.m.

Learn more & register

Council invites you to a virtual conversation!

Mon, April 19 | 6 PM | Online
The focus of the Council Community Connector zoom webinar is to provide citizens with an opportunity to chat with Council about initiatives, projects and activities happening in the community. Council will present information on the following timely topics:

  • Regional Water Pipeline
  • CMRB Regional Growth Plan
  • Affordable Housing
  • COVID-19

Pre-registration required; questions can be submitted in advance.

Register & submit questions

Fire safety during wildfire season

Did you know that if you are riding an off-highway vehicle in Alberta’s forested areas, the exhaust system can ignite a wildfire? Be sure to regularly stop and clear debris from your hotspots. In dry conditions, a spark can quickly lead to a wildfire!
Wildfire season runs from March 1 to October 31 in Alberta. 

Info on fire restrictions & bans

It's not too late to get a hand with basic tax returns

Filing taxes – even if you have no income to report – may qualify you to receive various government benefits. Volunteers with the free Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP) can give you a hand completing your simple tax return. Call 403-995-2626 to make an intake appointment.

Find eligibility info

Street cleaning is just around the corner

In the spring time, major cleaning events are scheduled typically from mid-April to end of June (weather permitting) to facilitate the removal of accumulated gravel left over from winter. When major cleaning events are scheduled and where maintenance routes exist, parking bans will be declared notifying area residents of the scheduled roadway cleaning activities. 

Stay up to date on parking bans

Clean up after your dog

A friendly reminder to please clean up after your dog. Pet litter is a significant health concern and is an unsightly mess in our natural areas, parks and along our pathways. The Town receives many complaints from concerned citizens that pet owners are walking away instead of picking up after their pets. Please help us keep our community clean by cleaning up after your pet. Utilize the dog bag dispensers and garbage receptacles located along parks and pathways; carry extra bags in case dispensers are empty.

Responsible pet information

Slow down on the roadways!

Spring is fast approaching and avid motorcyclists and pedestrians are already out and about. Okotoks Municipal Enforcement would like to remind you that extra vigilance is required so roads remain safe for all users, but especially these vulnerable ones. Everyone is responsible to keep Okotoks roads safe for all users. Ensure you do your part by obeying posted speed limits.

Learn about traffic safety

River ice safety

We’re melting and that increases dangers around the ice. With the warmer temperatures in the forecast, the Okotoks Fire Department reminds you to keep ice safety in mind when around frozen rivers, ponds and lakes. Keep a safe distance from the river banks as ice thickness can be deceiving – this includes your pets. If you see someone in trouble call 9-1-1 and do not attempt to rescue them yourself. Encourage the person to stay calm, kick their legs while trying to pull themselves out. If you can, safely reach or throw an aid such as a branch or rope. Watch Firefighter Bob Button speaking to river dangers during the spring melt.

Watch the video

Protect our trees: Dutch Elm Disease

It’s Dutch Elm Disease season—did you know just one piece of elm firewood could cause the death of elm trees in our community?

Help prevent the spread

Updated fee assistance guidelines 

The guidelines for the recreation subsidies for qualifying residents experiencing low income or financial stress have been updated. 

See the updates

Stay up to date on Town events!

Don’t miss out on recreation and culture events and updates! Sign up for the Activate Okotoks eNews, and other Town newsletters.

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Next Council Meeting

3 p.m. Monday, April 12 | Live-streamed
Agenda packages are available Thursday evenings prior to each meeting on the Town website. 

Watch the live stream

Next Mayor’s Live on Facebook

Noon, Wednesday, April 14 | Live-streamed
Join the next live update from the Mayor on recent Council highlights and have a chance to ask your questions. 

Join the conversation

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