AVIATEUR EXPRESS # 829 - August 5, 2020 


  • Common frequency (CFA) in the Mauricie area.
  • The Martin-pëcheur is back: evacuation of a submerged aircraft.
  • Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle: a new aerodrome with a great welcome.
  • Aerocamping.
  • Class C airspace in the Montreal area.
  • Aerodromes and neighborhood disturbances: the case of Saint-Cuthbert aerodrome.
  • AeroPod # 43.
  • Your virtual library.
  • Photo competition 2020.

Common frequency (CFA) in Mauricie: 122.7 MHz

On July 16, Nav Canada published in its latest AIP publication (Supplement 66/20) a directive to the effect that a common frequency in the Mauricie region was now in effect. The area covered by this directive is delimited by the large yellow circle. This frequency is 122.7 MHz .

This change does not affect Trois-Rivières airport, which retains the MF frequency of 122.35 MHz. 

You can view the details of Supplement 66/20 at AIP  HERE 

The Martin-pêcheur is back

Éric Fauteux d'Aviateurs.Québec and his team successfully carried out the first test on the ``Martin-pêcheur'' at Lake Chaud in the Laurentians. This simulator will be used to provide evacuation training for a submerged aircraft.

We are currently taking reservations for the first session (20 participants maximum). A minimum of 10 participants is required to travel in the region. The cost of the training will be $ 75 for members of Aviateurs.Québec and $ 150 for non-members. To reserve your place, write to us at formation@aviateurs.quebec .

Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle: a new aerodrome with a great welcome

Contribution of Nathalie Fortin

It's summer - the beautiful flying season. My husband having left for the weekend, and my big boy at work, me and my daughter went on an adventure towards Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle!

As with any light aircraft travel, we are subject to the vagaries of the weather, and I was looking at several options for the weekend. My daughter likes to come and fly on condition that she has "a mission". At first my goal was to spend a night camping with her, but given that Sunday was coming with low ceilings and rain, I opted for a day activity instead. Mother Nature gave us a superb day of beautiful weather on Saturday!

I was browsing the Facebook group for private tracks, not listed in the CFS, when André Lafrance sent me an invitation again to visit him.



Our loyal collaborator Jean-Pierre Bonin has uploaded a data directory for aerocamping. This directory is available by clicking HERE .

The list now includes some 22 aerodromes listed in six provinces: 10 in Quebec, seven in Ontario, two in Saskatchewan and one each in British Columbia, Manitoba and Newfoundland and Labrador.

The "Atlantic bubble for Covid" should not prevent Atlantic pilots from flying in their region. Let us know where it is possible to camp under the wing at your home.

Please spread the word about it. If you wish to add your airport / aerodrome, please click on the following link  email Jean-Pierre . 

Contribution and photo: Jean-Pierre Bonin

Reminder on class C airspace in the Montreal region

Since January 30, 2020, Nav Canada has been offering air traffic control and advisory services at Mirabel airport. Simply put, this means that Class C airspace in the Montreal area has been expanded to cover the Mirabel airport and surrounding areas. Class C airspace means that:

  • the aircraft must be equipped with a radio and a transponder,
  • an ATC clearance is required to enter Class C airspace.

A reminder that a transponder code must be obtained at least 30 minutes before entering Montreal's Class C airspace. You can:

  • contact the FIC on 122.35 MHz or,
  • dial 1-877-YUL-CODE.

Unfortunately, this change has brought its share of mishaps. Since January 30, a hundred incidents have been listed in the SCRQEAC / CADORS register .

Flyga , a network that facilitates access to an aircraft, sent us this presentation on the subject which has been prepared for the benefit of its members. We invite you to consult it HERE .

Contribution from Flyga


In an oral judgment rendered on July 24, 2020 1 , the Superior Court criticized the trial judge for not having given the unrepresented parties the opportunity to settle a constitutional question.

Ten residents of Saint-Cuthbert (hereinafter “Neighbors”) sued DGNE (owner of the neighboring aerodrome, namely Saint-Cuthbert CCU2) for small claims (division of the Court of Quebec), alleging a decrease in property values ​​due noise from aircraft.

DGNE raised federal jurisdiction over aeronautics, among other means of defense. The Neighbors invoked provincial laws: the Civil Code of Quebec in its articles 976 (neighborhood disturbances) and 1457 (extra-contractual liability for fault), and article 20 of the Environment Quality Act ( emission of a contaminant, noise in this case).

The Court of Quebec 2 ruled in favor of the Neighbors, applying the provincial texts in their favor without considering the impact of constitutional or federal law, and ordered DGNE to pay damages of more than $ 145,000 in total.

In judicial review, the Superior Court concluded that the reasons for the judgment of the Court of Quebec were insufficient with regard to the constitutional aspects of the dispute (division of federal and provincial powers). She also believes that the trial judge should have suspended the trial so that the attorneys general of Quebec and Canada could be implicated. They could thus have asserted the position of the levels of government concerned.

The first judgment is therefore quashed, but this is not necessarily the end of the story: the debates could resume before the Court of Quebec with the participation of the attorneys general. To be continued!

1 File 705-17-008492-181; the written version of the reasons is expected before the fall.

2 In Thériault and others v. Management DGNE , 2018 QCCQ 10264 .

Contributed by Elizabeth Cullen and Samuel Bachand, PFD Avocats

Photo: Jean-Pierre Bonin

Do you know AéroPod? The only French-language aviation podcast in Quebec

Here is episode # 43.

Your virtual library - updated August 5, 2020

Here are links that will take you to the latest editions of some publications.

Click on the title of the publication to view and download it:

2020 photo competition

Congratulations to Martin Tanguay for the winning photo of the month of June!

Martin wins one of the following awards: cap or polo shirt.

The 2020 competition continues!

You can therefore vote for any of your favorite photos throughout the year 2020. You have until 10 pm Tuesday August 11, 2020 to vote by clicking on the photo (or photos) of your choice. To do this, go  HERE

Now is the time to submit a photo or two for June. Send your photos to photos@aviateurs.quebec before August 30 at 10 p.m.

We are currently accepting photos (aviation related, read regulations) for the August round.

The complete contest rules can be viewed HERE

Do you know our FACEBOOK page?

Our Facebook page is intended to be informative on general aviation topics and in particular on what could be of interest to our members and those who are waiting to become so.

It is also the place where Jean-Pierre Bonin, our faithful collaborator, deposits the photos submitted for the Photo Contest.

We invite you to come and visit it and why not register.



"Bring together and represent the aviators of Quebec in order to promote general aviation and flight safety, to promote accessibility and protect the right to it, to facilitate exchange between members and provide access to resources assistance, training and information. "


CP 89022, CSP Malec, Montreal, QcH9C 2Z3

1-514-255-9998 / 1-877-317-2727 / info@aviateurs.quebec


Monday to Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Friday 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.