Hastings Prince Edward Public Health
Online Bulletin for Health Care Providers

March 5, 2021

Dr. Piotr Oglaza
Medical Officer of Health
Hastings Prince Edward Public Health

Registration for Vaccine Eligibility Notification Now Available for 60+ 

Hastings Prince Edward Public Health (HPEPH) is now booking appointments for certain groups that are eligible for COVID-19 vaccination as part of Phase 1 of Ontario’s vaccination rollout. Populations currently eligible to book an appointment for vaccinations are listed at hpePublicHealth.ca/covid-19-vaccines/.

If your patients aged 60 years and older are not currently eligible to book, you can encourage them to subscribe to HPEPH’s COVID-19 Vaccine Eligibility Notification Form by submitting their name, age, and contact information. When their age group becomes eligible for vaccine in our region, HPEPH will send them a notification by phone and email. The online pre-registration form is available at hpePublicHealth.ca/covid-19-vaccines/ under the March 3 COVID-19 Vaccine Update or directly, at https://s-ca.chkmkt.com/?e=223492&d=e&h=53F6158478E0A7A&l=en

Plans to Reach 80+ Population Continue to Evolve

On February 22, 2021, the Ontario Medical Association notified its members that “the provincial government announced last week that those aged 80 and above should contact their doctor to be vaccinated.” In response to this, HPEPH received several inquiries from local physicians regarding the matter.

HPEPH is continuing to adapt as provincial and local vaccination requirements evolve. While we are awaiting the launch of the provincial booking system we are also investigating the possibility of working with primary care partners to facilitate contact with the oldest adults in our region in order to encourage booking for COVID-19 vaccination. At this time, health care providers can refer their clients who have COVID-19 vaccine inquiries to hpePublicHealth.ca/covid-19-vaccines/.

The province is also slated to open a call centre and online information and booking service starting March 15, 2021 to support broad, age-based vaccination clinics as they become available. HPEPH will communicate information about this system to our community and health care partners as soon as it becomes available.

Masking Requirements for Mental Health Professionals

While HPEPH is currently in the Green/Protect zone, it continues to remain imperative to follow public health control measures to ensure that the number of COVID-19 cases in our region remains low. The growing threat of COVID-19 variants of concern (VOCs), and the potential that these strains may be more contagious, reinforces the need to maintain appropriate precautions during in-person interactions.

Please be aware that according to provincial regulations, if you are providing in-person services indoors, both you and your patient/client are required to wear a mask/face covering that covers the mouth, nose and chin as per O. Reg. 364/20. Please note that this requirement remains in effect even when physical distancing is maintained.

Patients/clients are exempt from wearing mask/face covering if they:

  • must temporarily remove their mask/face covering during the appointment in order to receive services;
  • have a medical condition that inhibits their ability to wear a mask or face covering;
  • are unable to put on or remove their mask or face covering without the assistance; of another person;
  • are under two years of age.

We recognize the critical nature of mental health services and are committed to working with our health care partners to provide guidance that will ensure safe delivery of these services during the pandemic.

Questions about mask/face covering requirements in the workplace can be directed to 613-966-5500, ext. 349.

Please be aware that HPEPH must investigate and respond to all COVID-19 infection control complaints in health care settings and non-compliance could result in a fine.

Provincial COVID-19 Guidance Updates

The Ministry of Health regularly posts updated guidance to their website in the following locations:

The dates on which updates are released are clearly indicated beside the document name for reference on the provincial website. A few recently updated items of note include:


HPEPH is offering services by appointment only. We remain dedicated to protecting our community by providing local HCPs and community members with new information as it becomes available. Current information on COVID-19 specifically for health care providers can be found at hpePublicHealth.ca, Ontario Ministry of Health and at publichealthontario.ca.

Contact Information: 

To give us your comments: etubbs@hpeph.ca

To report communicable diseases:613-966-5500 x349

To report AEFI or DOPHS: Online / Fax: 613-966-1813 or CDCFAX1@hpeph.ca

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