Logo Ordre des travailleurs sociaux et des thérapeutes conjugaux et familiaux du Québec (Offres partenaires)


Vous trouverez ci-dessous une offre partenaire de HeadsUpGuys, un programme de l'Université de la Colombie-Britannique (University of British Columbia), basée à Vancouver, à l'attention de nos membres psychothérapeutes qui pratiquent en langue anglaise.


New Therapist Directory for Men

We're reaching out to licenced mental health therapists to let you know about a new initiative by HeadsUpGuys.

Developed by Dr. John Ogrodniczuk, and based out of The University of British Columbia, HeadsUpGuys is a free, non-profit, online resource that supports men in their fight against depression. Since launching in 2015, we've had over 1,800,000 visitors, and now average over 65,000 visits per month from all over the world, including nearly 7,000 visits from within Quebec so far this year.

To help our visitors connect with professional support, we've developed a new Therapist Directory feature, and now we are reaching out to populate the Directory. There will be a modest annual fee ($125 CAD) for being listed in the Directory (payment upon launch), the proceeds of which will go toward maintaining and further developing the HeadsUpGuys resource; a unique and valuable tool that can serve your male clients.

We are happy to provide more information and answer any questions you may have via email (directory@headsupguys.org) or arrange a time to chat via Skype, Zoom, or phone - whatever works best for you.

More about our Directory and how to sign up