• Gilles Lapierre retires
  • Chronicle on Aviation Safety: A Grid of Minimums
  • Partnership with flying schools
  • Training schedule 
  •  ATAC Conference Notes - Air Transport Association of Canada
  • Runway Determination, Nav Canada
  • Customs clearance at Newport Airport, Vermont KEFK
  • Keep up to date: Transport Canada and Nav Canada Publications
  • 2019 Photo Contest


A man who has left his mark in the history of Aviateurs.Québec is retiring from the activities of the board of directors.

After more than 15 years of involvement on the Board of Directors either as President or member of the Board of Directors, Gilles Lapierre decided that it was time to retire.

Aviateurs.Québec would like to highlight his volunteer involvement in the association during all these years. A tireless worker, he has carried the pilgrim's staff throughout the province and outside Quebec, thus contributing to the advancement of general aviation and aviation safety. We owe Gilles' leadership initiatives such as the training and knowledge update program. Since the first sessions in 2002, the program has reached thousands of pilots and raised awareness about aviation safety. In fact, in 2004, Transport Canada recognized the APBQ's involvement in aviation safety and awarded it the Air Safety Award.

He is also responsible for the first steps of the APBQ in the field of electronic information. Under his leadership, the association set up a website, a newsletter and related virtual services. Later, he brought Aviateurs.Québec to the 2.0 era, with media adapted to this new reality and hence to the benefits of the members.

What about these many trips in the province and also outside Quebec, as a pilgrim, to promote the association (which at the time was known under the acronym of the APBQ). All done on his own time. His good nature and his dynamism have rallied more than one to the cause of the association and general aviation in Quebec. When bush aviation was threatened, he actively participated in several political issues such as salmon fishing and the caribou hunting moratorium. These difficult cases, being political by their nature, did not always end to the full satisfaction of Gilles. But one can certainly be grateful to him for putting all his efforts into it and having the machinery of government recognize the realities of bush aviation.

We would also like to express our gratitude to his spouse Claire, who has been able to give her support and encouragement throughout her stay in the association. Thank you Claire.

Gilles, we wish you a well-deserved retirement and say THANK YOU for your contribution to general aviation in Quebec and to Aviateurs.Québec.

ps Gilles tells us that this time, he will not make a move to Dominique Michel! To be continued !

Photos: Jean-Pierre Bonin, Gilles Lapierre, Jean-François Bellemare


A grid of minima: do you have one?

It is often said that the pilot must know his limits and fly accordingly. In addition, the pilot must have a good knowledge of the risks and their cause. A little planning can greatly reduce these risks. You all know the importance of good flight planning: for example, understanding the weather; I'M SAFE (disease, medications, stress, fatigue, emotions; PAVE (Pilot, Aircraft, Environmental, Outdoor Pressure.) Most of you religiously do this kind of planning and analysis but do you have your minimums grid personal?

This kind of grid allows you to identify the risk factors and their cause and translate them into the limits that you give yourself and which correspond to your abilities. Here is what a personal grid might contain:

This list is only an example but it allows you to think about several risk factors and translate them into practice . For example, under what wind conditions are you ready to fly? The minimums such as gust velocity, inclination and minimum speed in the circuit virtually eliminate the biggest causes of accidents. They also serve as reminders on points that could easily be forgotten in flight.

This list should be printed and be part of the planning tools for each flight. Take a look when planning. Buried in your bag, it does not have much use. Take the time to prepare one. This kind of list saves lives!

Good flight !


Aviateurs.Québec is proud to announce a partnership with flight schools:

Through this partnership, these schools will provide instructors and access to premises in support of our training and knowledge update program. We can also count on their collaboration to improve the content of existing training or to produce others.

This partnership can only help us in the deployment of the program and thus allow us to reach and sensitize more pilots to air safety. We are very grateful to the participating schools.

For schools that would like to join this program, we invite them to contact us at the following email address dg@aviateurs.quebec


As part of its core mission of promoting aviation safety and under the auspices of the Laplante-Duggan Fund, Aviateurs.Québec has put  in place a training schedule. The program is multi-faceted and aims to provide both training that can be used as credit for  updating knowledge (RAC 401.05) and training of specific interest such as the use of Foreflight.

As part of this program, we have already held three sessions attended by more than 100 pilots,  in Sainte-Thérèse, Neuville and Trois-Rivières (photos)

The upcoming calendar is as follows. To register, click on the session that interests you in the following list:

Photos: Stéphane Bellemare, Gilles Lambert


In fact, the annual meeting of the Canadian Air Transport Association (ATAC) was held at Queen Elizabeth from November 18th to 20th. This meeting is held alternately in Vancouver and Montreal.

This is an exceptional opportunity to meet the various stakeholders who gravitate in the world of aviation. The two major topics that I have chosen, which will affect aviation in general and also our aviation, are global warming and what ADS-B will bring in the years to come.

We had a nice presentation by Octant Aviation that demonstrate 2 very important points. With the arrival of climate change and its warming, many major airports are located near the coast, will be at risk and in some cases in danger because the rise in the ocean level will come in a few years change the deal. The erosion created by the waves and where the rising height of the water level will greatly affect many of these airports. Moreover, with the warming, the airport infrastructures of the airports located far north, in regions where the plane is almost the only means of transport for the inhabitants who live there, have their infrastructures seriously threatened. All these airports were built on a frozen foundation year-round that made them very safe. But with the thaw of permafrost, some of these airports are already experiencing major operational weaknesses. So many changes to come.

The other area that will bring a lot of changes in the coming years is the current satellite coverage and ways of tracking air traffic. NAVCanada has a committee of experts currently working on what will be the air monitoring and control with this new generation of aids. The arrival of this coverage already significantly reduces the carbon footprint of large and medium carriers by being able to change the approaches significantly and thus take less fuel and being less in the air.

These are the 2 new points that caught my attention. I will not tell you about all the workshops that, with one voice, put the shortage of manpower in the foreground. Think of any aviation-related sector - pilots, flight attendants, ramp attendants, mechanics, air traffic controllers, navigational aids, weather assistants, and so on.

Interesting fact. During the presentation by Ms. Hélène V. Gagnon of CAE, it was pointed out that the industry is lagging behind to have women in its ranks. She showed different trades or for years, the ratio of women to as many or as many as men. We only have to think, doctors, engineers. But in aviation, only 5% of women are in place. We must change this equation. And CAE has put together a nice program of ambassadors to change this.

We in small general aviation can help by letting young people we know, our friends and their friends know about existing opportunities.

Aviation is moving and changing. There will be some for us too. It's to follow.

Contribution: Michel Chartier


As of November 20, Flight Service Specialists who provide services in an FSS using instruments indicating wind direction and wind speed at the aerodrome will no longer be able to choose a <PREFERRED > or when providing advisory information.

We asked Lyne Moreau, General Manager of the Montreal FIR to explain what is happening. Here is the text she sent us.

With respect to runway determination, the final choice remains with the pilot since the Canadian aviation regulations have not been changed. So the specialist will determine the runway according to the winds and will advise the drivers if there is traffic in the circuit. As today, the pilot will choose his runway based on the criteria set out in the regulations. Here is what is found in the AIM Transport Canada.

  1. in the circuit (i) Landing and take-off are normally done on the runway as directly as possible facing the wind or on a runway parallel to it. However, since the decision ultimately lies with the pilot and the pilot is responsible for the safety of the aircraft, the pilot may use another runway if he deems it necessary for security reasons.

The CAR gives the pilot the rules of using an aircraft at an airport:

  • 602.96 (1) This section applies to a person who uses a VFR or IFR aircraft at or in the vicinity of an uncontrolled aerodrome or a controlled aerodrome.
  • (2) The pilot-in-command of an aircraft shall, before taking off, landing or any other maneuver at an aerodrome, ensure that the following conditions are met:
    • (a) there is no risk of collision with another aircraft or vehicle;
    • (b) the aerodrome is suitable for the intended maneuver.
  • (3) A pilot-in-command who uses an aircraft at or near an aerodrome must
    • a) monitor aerodrome traffic to avoid collisions;
    • (b) adopt the traffic pattern followed by other aircraft or keep clear;
    • (c) execute all turns to the left when the aircraft is used within the aerodrome circuit, except where the right turns are specified by the Minister in the Canada Flight Supplement or unless otherwise authorized by the unit competent air traffic control;
    • (d) if the aerodrome is an airport or heliport, comply with the operating restrictions specified by the Minister in the Canada Flight Supplement ;
    • (e) where practical, make the landing and take-off in the wind unless otherwise authorized by the appropriate air traffic control unit;

In summary, if a pilot is alone and decides to land on the opposite track that the FSS has determined, he can do so. On the other hand, if there is traffic that uses this one, the pilot must adopt the established circuit or keep away.

Contribution: Lyne Moreau, NAV CANADA, General Manager, Montreal FIR


Customs services (CBP Customs Border Protection) ARE available in Newport, Vermont, USA. Excellent Airport Entry to the USA for any aircraft, especially those not equipped with ADS-B,

Ideally located south of Lake Memphremagog offering 2 asphalt tracks: 36/18 of 5,300 'and 23/05 of 3,996' (Unicom 122,8)

Contact CBP Derby Line Port of Entry for availability of CBP personnel at 802-873-3219, dial 4 and # and ask for on- duty Supervisor to set date and time of arrival,

For more information, contact KEFK Airport Manager: Dan Gauvin 802-334-5001 or Cell. 802-673-8935

Contribution: Pascal Hénault, CYRQ Team Leader


Here are some links that will take you to the latest editions of some Transport Canada and Nav Canada publications. Click on the title of the publication to view and download it:

CALENDAR  (click HERE to access our online calendar )



Congratulations to Hugues Drouin for the winning photo of September and Sébastien Beaulieu for the October photo!

They are awarded one of the following awards, cap or polo or $ 10 gift certificate. Gift certificates can be cumulated over the year.

In order to allow everyone to have the chance to win during the year, the same person can not be declared winner of the month more than four (4) times in the year. Monthly and annual gift certificates can be accumulated for a maximum of $ 105

The 2019 contest continues!

It's time to submit one or two photos for November!

We are currently accepting photos (related to aviation, read the regulations) for the November round. 

For those who want to participate in the November round, send your photos to photos@aviateurs.quebec before November 30 at 22H00

The winning photos of each month plus the photos with the most votes during the year, up to a total of 20, will be finalists.

So you can vote for any of your favorite photos throughout the year 2019.

To vote for your favorite (s) by going  HERE  and by clicking on Like for the photo (s) you prefer.

If you are not a Facebook member, you can see the pictures (without voting) HERE

Prizes for the contest

Grand annual winner: $ 75 gift certificate plus
2nd and 3rd annual trophy : $ 25 gift certificate plus trophy
Monthly winners: Cap or polo or gift certificate $ 10

Gift certificates can be cumulated over the year. In order to allow everyone to have the chance to win during the year, the same person can not be declared winner of the month more than four (4) times in the year. Monthly and annual gift certificates can be accumulated for a maximum of $ 105

For a monthly round to be held, you must have received at least five photos, from at least three different photographers (new in 2018). Otherwise, the photos received are entered in the next month's round. The total number of photos in the final remains at 20.

Winning photos of the month and photos with the most "likes" during the year (up to a total of 20) will be judged later to determine the three winning photos.

You can vote for any of your favorite photos throughout the year 2019. The winning photos of 2019 will be determined by an external juror during the month of January 2020 (see rules) and unveiled at the Annual General Meeting ( AGA) 2020.

To participate

Any photo submitted must be accompanied by the following information:

  • Name and name of the member submitting the photo
  • Membership number (in good standing)
  • Name and name of the person who took the picture (ATTENTION) if this person is not the member transmitting the photo, you certify by submitting the photo that the author is aware and agree to participate in the contest.)
  • The member must also certify that the photographer is not a professional photographer (the photograph does not earn more than 50% of his annual income)
  • Title of the photo
  • Location of the photo
  • The photographer authorizes the contest coordinator to crop my photo, if possible, in case the horizon is visibly crooked.

The "usual" corrections made in post-processing (slight color correction, cropping, straightening, light filtering to increase the sharpness ...) are accepted. Excessive manipulation may be refused by the contest administrator who will then ask for the photo to be re-submitted after "normalization" of the editing parameters.

The photographer authorizes Aviateurs.Québec to use the photos submitted as part of the contest for his publications (Aviateur and L'Aviateur Express magazines, website, Facebook page, Flickr album and other official publications of Aviateurs.Québec) . This partial assignment of rights implies that the photographer remains fully the owner of the rights in the transmitted photos and that they may be used by the author at any time for publication, broadcast or otherwise in any other media or platform. of diffusion.

The photographer must transmit his files in high resolution. Photos smaller than 1024 pixels wide (landscape format) or tall (portrait format) will not be accepted.

Please note: We had to refuse photos in the past, often transmitted by iPhone, in format too small. Please, make sure that you take and transmit your photos in high resolution format.

Important note: all members in good standing of Aviateurs.Québec (registered or not on Facebook) can enter the contest.

Contest rules can be viewed HERE  

Contribution by Jean-Pierre Bonin


Our Facebook page is informative about general aviation topics and in particular about what might be of interest to our members and those who are waiting to become so.

This is also the place where Jean-Pierre Bonin, our loyal collaborator, places the photos submitted as part of the Photo Contest.

We invite you to visit it and why not not register.



"Consolidate and represent the airmen of Quebec to promote general aviation and flight safety, to promote accessibility and to protect the right to it, to facilitate the exchange between members and to give access to resources help, training and information. "


PO Box 89022, CSP Malec, Montreal, QcH9C 2Z3

1-514-255-9998 / 1-877-317-2727 / info@aviateurs.quebec

24 to 48 hours, answers during working hours


Monday to Thursday from 8:30 to 17h

Friday from 8h30 to 13h