AVIATEUR EXPRESS #919 – January 3rd, 2024


  • Benefit dinner: All-you-can-eat lobsters. Tickets are selling out quickly. Hurry before we are full. 
  • Sierra Assurance and the Aviateurs.Québec insurance plan
  • Transport Canada: Aviation Safety Letter, edition 4/2023
  • Soirée Jaser pour jaser with Pierre Ruel, ex-CF-18 pilot
  • Annual general meeting: April 6 at ENA
  • Recency training session: Sherbrooke, January 21
  • Underwater evacuation training
  • News from one of our partners: Sherbrooke Airport
  • A dream come true: From a Cessna to a Nolinor Boeing 737
  • Our video-on-demand platform
  • Your virtual library

We already have more than 225 tickets sold. The number of places available is decreasing rapidly.

A reminder that it will happen on May 25 at the D'Amours Sugar Shack, Sainte-Anne-des-Plaines.

For you as a business manager, this is a unique opportunity to show your appreciation to your customers by reserving your own table!

Tickets for our classic All-you-can-eat Lobster Benefit Dinner are available for $150 per person (tip included). 

I buy my tickets 


If you answered YES to these two questions, you owe it to yourself to try us, without any obligation on your part.

You do not need to sign a transfer letter and you are not required to give exclusivity to SIERRA.

Get a quote online: www.sierraassurance.com

Don't hesitate, ask for a quote.
It doesn't commit you to anything and you can compare!

Transport Canada has posted their latest issue of Aviation Safety Letter magazine online.

You can download it by clicking on the following link:

Aviation Safety Letter, issue 4/2023

Soirée Jaser pour jaser with Pierre Ruel, ex-CF-18 pilot

You are invited to participate in our SOirée Jaser pour jaser, Tuesday January 16 at 7:30 p.m. via ZOOM.

The event is free and open to members and non-members of Aviateurs.Québec.

Our guest will be Pierre Ruel, Col RCAF (ret'd), CD, OMM, USMSM, Director Strategy & Policy, Boeing Canada.

Pierre will tell us about some of his experiences in Canada and abroad as a seasoned CF-18 pilot with the Royal Canadian Air Force. Discover how lessons learned from war can shape your daily recreational flying.

To register

Annual general meeting: April 6 at ENA

We are happy to announce that the next annual general meeting will be held in person at the École nationale d'aéronautoque on April 6.

For those who want to travel by plane, parking spaces directly at ENA will be available. If you can't come in person, no worries. We will offer you virtual access via the ZOOM platform.

This meeting is open to members in good standing only. 

Mark your calendar, details on the meeting and registration information will be communicated to you shortly.

Recency training session - Sherbrooke, January 21

Registrations are open for this training session which will be held in Sherbrooke on January 21.

On the program, Vol en hiver with Alexis Etienne, MBA, class 1 instructor and president of the Altitude aviation school.

For an overview of the topics that will be covered: Vol en hiver


Underwater evacuation training

Aero-Formatech® announces a new underwater evacuation training series.

This Training and Training Program with a safe immersion cage and life raft is adapted to aviation and is aimed at everyone who boards an aircraft. The content of this program, recognized by Transport Canada, is according to Transport Canada Information Circular (IC) No.700-056  and TP-2228F-18 .

The next sessions will take place in Blainville, Hôtel Times  :

  • Saturday January 20, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
  • Saturday February 3, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

For any information regarding this program and/or to register, contact us directly by email: Info@aeroformatech.com

To learn more about Aero-Formatech®

News from one of our partners: Sherbrooke Airport

Come and enjoy a good lunch with us on weekends! 

And of course, a daily menu will be offered to you during the week including: soup or dessert, meals, coffee or tea.
Also available, lunch boxes at a cost of $9.95 + taxes include: soup, hot or cold meal, dessert and juice). You can get them at Unicom in the evening and on weekends between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

We look forward to welcoming you in large numbers!

For more info

A dream come true: From a Cessna to a Nolinor Boeing 737

Approach of a Nolinor Boeing 737-200 to Mont-Laurier airport. The captain was Vincent Radermaker, a local guy who did his training at the airport. When you believe in it and put in the effort, anything can happen.

To view this approach, click HERE

Our video-on-demand platform

You want to improve your skills as a pilot or simply comply with regulatory requirements. We have what you need. Video training that you can watch at your leisure, from the comfort of your home and it's free for members of Aviateurs.Québec. We offer 2 types of training:

  • Training for the purpose of updating knowledge and which is approved by Transport Canada
    • Risk management during the approach and landing phase
    • Flight in winter
  • General interest training. We offer these training courses on Foreflight:
    • Initial setting
    • Flight planning
    • Weight and balance
    • Visual approach
    • Installing a PDF document in Foreflight.

How to get there ? Easy !

  1. By going to the home page of the Aviateurs.Québec website
  2. By then clicking on the quick link Training – Video on demand
  3. That's it, you will then have access to our online training video library .
  4. Then follow the instructions to view your training.

Your virtual library

Here are links that will take you to the latest editions of these publications.

Click on the title of the publication to view and download it:

Your photo in the banner of the Aviateurs.Québec newsletter and the Aviateurs.Québec Facebook page

Your photo:
If possible in high definition. Minimum format: 1024 pixels in its largest dimension. Information required :

  • PLACE where the photo was taken
  • YOUR FULL NAME (note that only members in good standing can participate)
  • You have read and accept the complete regulations available on the Aviateurs.Québec website by clicking HERE

Functioning :

Submit your photo to photos@aviateurs.quebec

The photo placed in the banner will be chosen by the person(s) administering the competition.

For subsequent editions of the newsletter, the photo chosen will be from among all the photos received since the beginning of the current year. At the end of the year, the photos (maximum 26) that have been chosen for the banner will be submitted to an external jury to determine the three winning photographers.

First prize: $150 gift certificate + trophy
Second prize: $100 gift certificate + trophy
Third prize: $50 gift certificate + trophy

10 other winners will be determined by random drawing among ALL photographers who participated during the year: $55 credit applicable towards a membership renewal, a cap or polo shirt of the winner's choice.


"To bring together and represent Quebec aviators in order to promote general aviation and flight safety, to promote its accessibility and to protect its rights, to facilitate exchanges between members and to provide access to resources assistance, training and information."


CP 89022, CSP Malec, Montreal, QcH9C 2Z3

1-514-255-9998 / 1-877-317-2727 / info@aviateurs.quebec


Monday to Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.