This week’s educator resources, "The Kinder, The Better" provides lessons and activities to teach students about the importance and impact of kindness. From elementary to high school, these resources promote empathy, compassion, and community engagement through interactive activities and service projects, cultivating emotional growth and positive social skills.

Educator Resources:

  1. Provided by the School of Kindness, the Lesson Plans and Activities teach children about the importance of kindness, the science of kindness, and the impact it has on physical and mental health. 

  2. 5 Kindness Lessons Your Elementary Students Will Love, provided by the Calm Classroom, includes engaging activities that encourage empathy, compassion, and positive social interactions. The lessons help to create a supportive classroom environment and cultivate emotional growth in young learners.

  3. The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation has developed a 16-week High School Curriculum that focuses on building respect, empathy, and integrity through community service. Students will study key kindness concepts, then apply them by developing a project to address community needs, cultivating skills in critical thinking, teamwork, and community engagement.

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