Help Us Green Our Riparian Buffer Strips!
With warm weather just around the corner, it's time to get back to gardening! Planting vegetation is a great way to promote biodiversity and maintain ecosystem services. Lakeshores and riverbanks are ideal places to plant, as your landscaping will have a major positive impact.
We would like to remind you that revegetation of lake and riverbanks is subject to zoning regulations. It is important to remember that the shoreline is 15 metres wide all around the lake and that the following elements must be respected throughout this zone:
→ Lawn mowing is prohibited on the entire shoreline, except for a 3 m wide area for access to the lake when the slope is less than 30%, and a 1 m wide area around buildings and structures.
→ The path to access the lake must be laid out at an angle to the shoreline following a sinuous route and be covered with herbaceous plants
→ The pruning and trimming required to create a 5 m wide window is permitted when the slope of the shoreline is greater than 30%.
→ Planted vegetation must be indigenous to Quebec.
→ All types of mulch are prohibited, except for leaf mulch in the first year of planting.
→ Vegetation maintenance is permitted until plants reach maturity.
Visit our website to access tools to help you.