Lactanet Canada

Dairy Knowledge

- Genetics Edition -

April 2023


With each official genetic evaluation release, you will receive a quarterly update showcasing what’s new in Lactanet Genetics. This issue features information on evaluations for Methane Efficiency and Body Maintenance Requirements as well as the annual updates for the first official genetic release in 2023. Enjoy the read!


LPI Update

Bulls and cows in Canada receive a value for Lifetime Performance Index (LPI), which reflects the relative performance expected across traits during the lifetime of future daughters.

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Base Change

The genetic base used to express genetic evaluations in Canada has been updated for 2023 in conjunction with the first official release.

Explore the update

Pro$ Update

Pro$ is the Canadian economic genetic selection index that reflects a cows lifetime profitability. With each Pro$ update and new economic values, cow profit values change, which result in changes in the published Pro$ values.

Discover more

Introducing Methane Efficiency!

Lactanet made history this month by publishing the first official Methane Efficiency (ME) genetic evaluations for the Holstein breed.

Using Methane Efficiency evaluations is an easy way to select for cows with reduced methane emissions without affecting production levels. Build a future herd that is more efficient and sustainable!

Learn how

Body Maintenance Requirements

There is now another way to select for reduced feed costs in the Holstein breed! Body Maintenance Requirements (BMR) is a genetic evaluation characterizing the feed requirement for maintenance based on the metabolic body weight of the animal.

No matter your strategy for BMR – reduce body size, maintain your herds current size, or focus only on Feed Efficiency – Lactanet has the tools to help lower feed costs and increase profitability.

Read more


Visit Compass, a free interactive guide to genetics and profitability. 
In partnership with Holstein Canada.

Lactanet Canada

For the most recent genetic evaluations, visit