June 2020Volume 4, Number 6



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Recommended Return to Play Framework
for Lawn Bowling in Canada


During this time of return to play from complete shutdown, Bowls Canada recommends a phased in approach to Return to Play. This approach ensures that clubs can assess their readiness to fully implement local health authority requirements.
Based on the stage of reopening within their province and region, clubs will need to identify which Return to Play Phase best meets their situation.

Lawn Bowl Return to Play Phases

                    Phase 1 – training and practice only
                      Phase 2 – modified local games
                      Phase 3 – intra club games
                      Phase 4 -- regional/provincial competition.

Bowls Canada are not experts on pandemics and therefore all Federal, Provincial and local Government and Public Health Authority information, guidelines and directives supersede this information. We have created this set of guidelines to inform the bowls community as to how Bowls Canada is responding to Covid-19 and to provide recommendations as to what we believe is the best course of action for local bowls clubs.

For the full Return to Play protocols, go to this link.



Greens Keeper’s Activities During Covid-19

At the time of this writing we are still under lock down.

It does not mean that we cannot do any work on our greens. On the contrary, this is a good time to get our work done without interference from the bowlers.

If you are just getting started, this is what you should do first.

#1 Do your first cutting. Remember, never cut more than 1/3 inch off the grass blades. If the grass is more than ½ inch tall adjust your mower to take 1/3 of the height for the first cut. For the second cut, lower the height again no more than 1/3 inch of the height. Do this until you get to ¼ inch. Keep your turf at ¼ inch until you are ready to start to bowl.

#2 gave your greens a good verticutting. Do not be afraid to go too deep. Make sure you remove as much thatch as possible. You will be taking the bounce out of the playing surface.

#3 Now is a good time to fertilize your green with a granular type fertilizer. A high nitrogen content like 18-8-18 is common for early spring.

After you have fertilized don not cut your green for at least five days to give the fertilizer a chance to get down to the root zone. If you cut too soon you will remove half the fertilizer you have apply a couple of days before.

#4 Now is a good time to reseed weak or bare patches. You can also use this time to take some plugs from the corner of the green and fix some small bare areas.

#5 If possible, it would be good to cut your green three times a week at ¼ inch. If cutting three times a week is not possible, cutting once a week will not hurt your green if you do not let it grow too long. Keep looking. If you need to cut twice a week, do so. Just remember, the longer the grass the more strength will be needed to deliver a bowl to the far end of the rink. The sooner you get to a regular cutting routine the better for your green.

#6 Try to verticut every two weeks for a while until the hot weather gets here.

#7 Try to fertilize once a month.

#8 It is especially important that we start to remove the dew each morning as soon as the hot temperature and humidity is upon us. The dew should be taken off before the sun has a chance to dry it off. This will help you with the dollar spots.

#9 Keep looking for sign of diseases, weeds etc.

Remember the sooner we get into our regular maintenance schedule the better for the green.

When we get the okay to bowl again do not forget to lower the height of the cut from ¼ inch to 7/32. The lowest setting should be no lower than 5/32. No need to go any lower.

Charles Roach


Tips for managing anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic

WENCY LEUNGHEALTH REPORTER for the globe and mail



At a time when supermarket shelves are looking bare and authorities are shutting down schools and borders, Canadians may find it challenging to remain calm.

What can you do to manage your anxiety and maintain your mental health during a pandemic? We asked experts for their advice:


Anxiety is a normal response to the current situation, says Tina Montreuil, assistant professor in the department of educational and counselling psychology at McGill University. And some of us may have a harder time coping than others, she says, since our usual freedoms and a lot of the control we typically have are restricted as schools, gyms, bars and workplaces close.

The first step is to tell yourself you need to accept there are things beyond your control, Dr. Montreuil says.

“You just have to let go,” she says. This may be easier said than done, but without taking this cognitive step, it’s harder to adopt behaviours and self-care measures that can help you cope, she says.


Public-health authorities are encouraging people to minimize their physical interactions with others, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t text, make phone calls and maintain contact with friends and family online.

Pick up the phone and call them, suggests Margaret Eaton, national chief executive officer of the Canadian Mental Health Association. Just talking to them and knowing they’re okay can help you feel better, she says. "Even if we can’t be close physically, we need to try to stay close emotionally.”

And if you’re looking to gain some control in an uncontrollable situation, helping others can be a good way to redirect your desire to take action, says Steven Taylor, professor and clinical psychologist in the department of psychiatry at the University of British Columbia. Offer to deliver groceries or provide social support to older individuals, he suggests.


If you plan to sit on the couch, eating snacks and watching Netflix until this pandemic blows over, you’re going to get bored and irritable pretty quickly, Dr. Taylor warns.

“Most people underestimate how boring and stressful it can be to be in self-isolation,” he says, noting that if you’re confined in a small space with others, it’s important to plan with them what you’ll do when you start getting on each others’ nerves. (“When I’m cranky, I’m going into the other room, for example,” he suggests.)

Set a routine for yourself to give your days some structure, he says.

This includes self-care measures, such as making sure you eat healthfully, get enough sleep, exercise and get outdoors, Ms. Eaton says. Going outside and getting fresh air is important for your mental health, she says, and it can be done while still keeping a safe distance from others.


Remind yourself that most people experience mild illness from the new coronavirus, Dr. Taylor says. “People will pull through, and this will end.”

Dr. Montreuil suggests attributing your thoughts to two imaginary coaches, one who catastrophizes and the other who provides a voice of reason. For example, the first coach may tell you we’re all going to catch the infection and it will be a disaster. That’s when you should think of what your second, more level-headed coach would say in response.

“Mindfully engage or activate Coach B. It’s not that Coach B says, ‘Coach A is wrong,’” she says. Rather: “Coach B is the one who’s saying, ‘Yeah, maybe that’s a possibility ... but it could also be that that’s not the case.’”

Torontonians are aware of what is being asked of society amid COVID-19; social distancing, working from home, even removing themselves from environments like gyms that are still open to the public but are potential hotspots for the spread of the virus.


While you might intend to go online to get a quick update to stay informed, it can be easy to get lost in all the coverage about the pandemic, Dr. Taylor says. Before you know it, you’ve spent hours jumping from one story to the next and becoming more anxious than ever

If you find that happening to you, limit your exposure to news and social media, he says.

Dr. Montreuil suggests setting aside specific times of the day to check the news, and stick to reputable sources of information. Otherwise, she says, take this time as a forced opportunity to connect with the things you enjoy, such as cooking, reading and spending time with your children.


If you find yourself feeling very irritable, snapping at others and having a hard time sleeping, these might be signs you can’t cope with your stress and anxiety on your own, Dr. Taylor says.

People may also need professional help if they’re the opposite of overly reactive – such as expressing cynicism, hopelessness and helplessness, Dr. Montreuil adds. The same goes for anyone who has trouble with daily functioning.


The Canadian Mental Health Association has 75 branches across the country. Ms. Eaton suggests checking out the association’s website for online resources and contact information for your local branch. cmha.ca

The Canadian Psychological Association also has an online fact sheet with tips for coping with the new coronavirus and a list of who to contact to find a psychologist in your area.

If you are thinking about suicide or are worried about someone who is, call the Crisis Services Canada national line: 1-833-456-4566 or text 45645 (in Quebec, call: 1-866-277-3553). If the risk is immediate, call 9-1-1.

The spread of the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19 continues, with more cases diagnosed in Canada. The Globe offers the dos and don'ts to help slow or stop the spread of the virus in your community.


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Myth Busters From World Health Organization (WHO)

There are currently no drugs licensed for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19

While several drug trials are ongoing, there is currently no proof that hydroxychloroquine or any other drug can cure or prevent COVID-19. The misuse of hydroxychloroquine can cause serious side effects and illness and even lead to death. WHO is coordinating efforts to develop and evaluate medicines to treat COVID-19.

Adding pepper to your soup or other meals DOES NOT prevent or cure COVID-19

Hot peppers in your food, though very tasty, cannot prevent or cure COVID-19. The best way to protect yourself against the new coronavirus is to keep at least 1 metre away from others and to wash your hands frequently and thoroughly. It is also beneficial for your general health to maintain a balanced diet, stay well hydrated, exercise regularly and sleep well.

COVID-19 IS NOT transmitted through houseflies

To date, there is no evidence or information to suggest that the COVID-19 virus transmitted through houseflies. The virus that cause COVID-19 spreads primarily through droplets generated when an infected person coughs, sneezes or speaks. You can also become infected by touching a contaminated surface and then touching your eyes, nose or mouth before washing your hands. To protect yourself, keep at least 1-metre distance from others and disinfect frequently-touched surfaces. Clean your hands thoroughly and often and avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose.

Spraying and introducing bleach or another disinfectant into your body WILL NOT protect you against COVID-19 and can be dangerous

Do not under any circumstance spray or introduce bleach or any other disinfectant into your body. These substances can be poisonous if ingested and cause irritation and damage to your skin and eyes.

Bleach and disinfectant should be used carefully to disinfect surfaces only. Remember to keep chlorine (bleach) and other disinfectants out of reach of children.

Drinking methanol, ethanol or bleach DOES NOT prevent or cure COVID-19 and can be extremely dangerous

Methanol, ethanol, and bleach are poisons. Drinking them can lead to disability and death. Methanol, ethanol, and bleach are sometimes used in cleaning products to kill the virus on surfaces – however you should never drink them. They will not kill the virus in your body and they will harm your internal organs.

To protect yourself against COVID-19, disinfect objects and surfaces, especially the ones you touch regularly. You can use diluted bleach or alcohol for that. Make sure you clean your hands frequently and thoroughly and avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose.

5G mobile networks DO NOT spread COVID-19

Viruses cannot travel on radio waves/mobile networks. COVID-19 is spreading in many countries that do not have 5G mobile networks.

COVID-19 is spread through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes or speaks. People can also be infected by touching a contaminated surface and then their eyes, mouth or nose.

Exposing yourself to the sun or to temperatures higher than 25C degrees DOES NOT prevent the coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

You can catch COVID-19, no matter how sunny or hot the weather is. Countries with hot weather have reported cases of COVID-19. To protect yourself, make sure you clean your hands frequently and thoroughly and avoid touching your eyes, mouth, and nose.

You can recover from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Catching the new coronavirus DOES NOT mean you will have it for life.

Most of the people who catch COVID-19 can recover and eliminate the virus from their bodies. If you catch the disease, make sure you treat your symptoms. If you have cough, fever, and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early – but call your health facility by telephone first. Most patients recover thanks to supportive care.

Being able to hold your breath for 10 seconds or more without coughing or feeling discomfort DOES NOT mean you are free from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) or any other lung disease.

The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are dry cough, tiredness and fever. Some people may develop more severe forms of the disease, such as pneumonia. The best way to confirm if you have the virus producing COVID-19 disease is with a laboratory test. You cannot confirm it with this breathing exercise, which can even be dangerous.

Drinking alcohol does not protect you against COVID-19 and can be dangerous

Frequent or excessive alcohol consumption can increase your risk of health problems.

COVID-19 virus can be transmitted in areas with hot and humid climates

The best way to protect yourself against COVID-19 is by maintaining physical distance of at least 1 metre from others and frequently cleaning your hands. By doing this you eliminate viruses that may be on your hands and avoid infection that could occur by then touching your eyes, mouth, and nose.

Cold weather and snow CANNOT kill the new coronavirus.

There is no reason to believe that cold weather can kill the new coronavirus or other diseases. The normal human body temperature remains around 36.5°C to 37°C, regardless of the external temperature or weather. The most effective way to protect yourself against the new coronavirus is by frequently cleaning your hands with alcohol-based hand rub or washing them with soap and water.

Taking a hot bath does not prevent the new coronavirus disease

Taking a hot bath will not prevent you from catching COVID-19. Your normal body temperature remains around 36.5°C to 37°C, regardless of the temperature of your bath or shower. Actually, taking a hot bath with extremely hot water can be harmful, as it can burn you. The best way to protect yourself against COVID-19 is by frequently cleaning your hands. By doing this you eliminate viruses that may be on your hands and avoid infection that could occur by then touching your eyes, mouth, and nose.

The new coronavirus CANNOT be transmitted through mosquito bites.

To date there has been no information nor evidence to suggest that the new coronavirus could be transmitted by mosquitoes. The new coronavirus is a respiratory virus which spreads primarily through droplets generated when an infected person coughs or sneezes, or through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose. To protect yourself, clean your hands frequently with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water. Also, avoid close contact with anyone who is coughing and sneezing.

Are hand dryers effective in killing the new coronavirus?

No. Hand dryers are not effective in killing the 2019-nCoV. To protect yourself against the new coronavirus, you should frequently clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water. Once your hands are cleaned, you should dry them thoroughly by using paper towels or a warm air dryer.

Ultra-violet (UV) lamps should not be used to disinfect hands or other areas of your skin

UV radiation can cause skin irritation and damage your eyes.

Cleaning your hands with alcohol-based hand rub or washing your hands with soap and water are the most effective ways to remove the virus.

Thermal scanners CANNOT detect COVID-19

Thermal scanners are effective in detecting people who have a fever (i.e. have a higher than normal body temperature). They cannot detect people who are infected with COVID-19.

There are many causes of fever. Call your healthcare provider if you need assistance or seek immediate medical care if you have fever and live in an area with malaria or dengue.

Do vaccines against pneumonia protect you against the new coronavirus?

No. Vaccines against pneumonia, such as pneumococcal vaccine and Haemophilus influenza type B (Hib) vaccine, do not provide protection against the new coronavirus.

The virus is so new and different that it needs its own vaccine. Researchers are trying to develop a vaccine against 2019-nCoV, and WHO is supporting their efforts.

Although these vaccines are not effective against 2019-nCoV, vaccination against respiratory illnesses is highly recommended to protect your health.

Can regularly rinsing your nose with saline help prevent infection with the new coronavirus?

No. There is no evidence that regularly rinsing the nose with saline has protected people from infection with the new coronavirus.

There is some limited evidence that regularly rinsing nose with saline can help people recover more quickly from the common cold. However, regularly rinsing the nose has not been shown to prevent respiratory infections.

Can eating garlic help prevent infection with the new coronavirus?

Garlic is a healthy food that may have some antimicrobial properties. However, there is no evidence from the current outbreak that eating garlic has protected people from the new coronavirus.

Does the new coronavirus affect older people, or are younger people also susceptible?

People of all ages can be infected by the new coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Older people, and people with pre-existing medical conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease) appear to be more vulnerable to becoming severely ill with the virus.

WHO advises people of all ages to take steps to protect themselves from the virus, for example by following good hand hygiene and good respiratory hygiene.

Are antibiotics effective in preventing and treating the new coronavirus?

No, antibiotics do not work against viruses, only bacteria.

The new coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is a virus and, therefore, antibiotics should not be used as a means of prevention or treatment.

However, if you are hospitalized for the 2019-nCoV, you may receive antibiotics because bacterial co-infection is possible.

Are there any specific medicines to prevent or treat the new coronavirus?

To date, there is no specific medicine recommended to prevent or treat the new coronavirus (2019-nCoV).

However, those infected with the virus should receive appropriate care to relieve and treat symptoms, and those with severe illness should receive optimized supportive care. Some specific treatments are under investigation and will be tested through clinical trials. WHO is helping to accelerate research and development efforts with a range or partners.


Learn how to Video Conference with your Board and your Members

These are some of your top free video meeting options



Social Media Tutorials from Bowls Canada help you engage with your Membership

Facebook Tutorial


This first video of the membership engagement series focuses on using Facebook to increase member engagement. Specifically, this video covers the type of content to post, when to post and how to stay consistent, how to create content and maximize engagement from each post, how to post on this platform and how to schedule future posts.


Instagram Tutorial


This tutorial focuses on using Instagram to increase member engagement. It covers the Instagram user demographic, how to post content, what kind of content to post, and other useful tips for using this platform effectively.



Novice Eligibility for Provincial Events

The OLBA has approved that novice bowlers will not lose a year of eligibility for 2020 for any future provincial Novice events.


Canadian Bowler Show # 8


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Letters to the Editor:


Comments and questions are welcome. (ellis@OLBA.ca and daley@olba.ca)


Disclaimer:The information and articles provided in this email represent the opinions of the articles author and should not be considered as endorsed by or policy of the Ontario Lawn Bowls Association OR it's Directors.

Ontario Lawn Bowling Assoc.

Box 1093
Tilbury, ON ​Canada
N0P 2L0​

​John Fantin

Susan Newsham

Steve Schuknecht
​Director at Large

James Rimmer
​Director at Large

Charles Roach
​Director at Large

Nan Hendren
​Director at Large



Phillip Francis

Ralph Ellis
​Vice President, 

Dave Burrows
​Director at Large

Wayne Daley
​Director at Large

Jason Currie
​Director at Large

Mary Lou Richards
​Director at Large