Welcome to Myles Ahead's weekly free, evidence-based resources for educators to help you make your own wellbeing a priority alongside supporting student emotional and mental wellbeing.

This week, we wanted to encourage a mental health check-in. Checking in on our own mental health is something to do regularly - like preparing for fire drills, going to the dentist, or the doctor, regular check ins can help us understand when our mental health might need more attention. You can find a few different resources beneath the infographic that you may find helpful.

Don't forget that in addition to recieving these resources, every week we will randomly draw from subscribers for 3 months, offering prizes such as facemasks, the Mind Up Curriculum series, and $50 cash awards. For a limited time, we are giving an extra entry in the draw to anyone who successfully invites another educator to subscribe to our emails with their educational work email address.

Received this email from a colleague and you're not signed up yet? Use the button below to get these emails every week. Make sure you select "Educator" on the sign up page.

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We know that as Educators, you've had the most challenging school year in recent history. These resources are part of our way of thanking you for all that you do.

For Giving Tuesday, we are asking the people in your life to #HelpUsThankEducators. Ask someone to nominate you, or better yet, nominate a colleague to receive a Myles Ahead prize pack by responding to this email or sending an email to admin@mylesahead.ca.

Want to help even more? Ask your colleagues to subscribe to our curated resources here: https://tinyurl.com/MylesAheadEducators.

#SpreadTheTeacherLove #HelpUsThankEducators #MylesAhead

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Received this email from a colleague and you're not signed up yet? Use the button below to get these emails every week. Make sure you select "Educator" on the sign up page.

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